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Hey guys! How have your weeks been? It's been a really wet and miserable week here weather wise in my city, but I hope yours have been a lot brighter! If not, we're twins! ;)

Just wanted to pop by quickly and let you guys know I'll be creating a Patreon archive for all of my groups, series', kdramas, posts, etc. so that things will just be so much more accessible.

Patreon needs to REALLY overhaul the way its interface works and just accessibility features in general because searching posts through tags is so annoying because sometimes results are hidden, are incomplete, or instead the function just straight up fails. 

So to combat this, I'll be creating a spreadsheet (possibly with the help of some of my mods) in order to make something which is comprehensive, easy to read, and most of all, helpful. I'll aim to update it every week or at the very least whenever we finish a series for a certain group, so that things are easy to trace back. 

I'll have this archive of content pinned in both the monthly post announcements and also on the welcome page so that everything is accessible and visible. It'll likely take me a while to get this thing off the ground and have it super up to date, but I'll move piece by piece and share it with you guys soon once I have a bit done. I hope you can look forward to it!

If you made it this far, thanks for reading y'all! Love ya heaps, and I'll see you soon for some more content!

~ Lok



Good thing to have! Would you consider having a "must see" tag or something with it? Like this is a drama, series, live performance etc. that i enjoyed so much reacting to, i want my Patreons to see my reaction? Would be alot of work but what do you think? Like a "Lok gold award" or something.


Oooooh kind of like a favourites tab? That would be an awesome idea!