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HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...this was...insane.


Enjoy this one guys!

~ Lok




No!!! I actually wrote a long comment but it didn't go through!! 😭😭😭 anyway I just wanna say THAT WAS A DANG F*CKIN ROLLER COASTER RIDE! WHAT A JOURNEY! When I first listened to the album and was slapped by NEW AXIS, I screamed 이거지!!! THEY GAVE ME MY TOP 3 RAPPERS IN NCT - TAEYONG (my ult) MARK AND YANGYANG! Yep! This is it for me! But nope... I spoke too soon! They slapped me left and right... so when the other songs came in, I literally was thrown off my bed! 😂😂 and yes, this is why I LOVE LOVE LOVE NCT so much... like so f*ckin' much! I only SPLURGED for my ults (like buy albums - AS IN ALL OF THEIR ALBUM) so SUJU, NCT and sadly X1 😢 Also, just like you, I NO LONGER (pun intended dedicated to my most favorite NCT ballad hahaha) to Western Music in general. I stopped at my 90s and early 2000 faves. My Spotify playlist attests to this. 😄 I'LL say this again, SM HAS FOUND A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH ON TAEYONG AND MARK (and now SHOTARO). Istg, SM scouts have eyes for this shit. Like, Taeyong was street casted and thought his scout was shady. He thought the big 3 was KBS SBS AND MBC 😂 and was convinced to go with her coz she bought him toast lol 😆 😂. Also he auditioned with the national anthem (?) - wait I think that was Heechul lol - and was told by his teachers that he'd have a hard time debuting coz he can't dance, which obviously challenged him coz look at him now. Then Mark, who accompanied his brother coz their teachers had a strike 🤣 and decided to go for it when he never intended to. His brother didn't make it but he did. Haha! 😂 Regardless if people call their music NOISE MUSIC, which for me is silly, absurd and ridiculous, I will love them no matter what happens. There are only 2 groups I'd fight for - SuJu and NCT. Sorry for my long ass comment. Looking forward to ep 8 of NCT WORLD and that stream! OMG! Can we do it like on New Year's eve (31st) so we'll have blast 🎆 🎇 🧨 Lol kidding! Will patiently wait! Thanks again Loki!


This album is truly incredible! I have played it on repeat since the day it released 🔥


Lok 💚. I was greatly entertained by your emotional roller coaster listening to this album. A few times you looked genuinely distressed. The moment you had that first pause on “New Axis” I knew it was going to be an interesting journey. I’m so glad you vibed with the album. Universe and Resonance are two of my favorite NCT projects; the U units really show the limitless possibilities that NCT can create when they come together as one large unit. It’s been such a joy to watch your NCT journey to this point. From Cam’s carefully curated playlists, to those first WayV crack videos I made you watch, to NCT World 2.0, to now; watching your reactions reminds me why I ult-ed NCT in the first place. I’m so excited for you to continue exploring their content. Hopefully I’ll be able to catch you live on Twitch, but if not I’ll be here on the vods as always. Love you man, please rest well and take care of yourself. Thank you for being one of the brightest parts of my 2021, and let’s continue on to 2022! 💚

Cam C.

damn i almost forgot about that concert reaction, i'm gonna have to go back and watch that again one of these days. this hella boosted my serotonin my guy, i've missed you <3