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Hey guys - some of you may have seen my recent community post, some may have not so I'll just update here as well!

My internet has been out all day and I've been unable to upload anything for the last 9 hours. I've been told there is no ETA for when it will come back which is really really frustrating. I'm working on 0.7Mb/s upload speed right now which is actually just ridiculous, and a single Patreon video is taking 12+ hours to upload with some on Youtube taking up to 8 hours. 

I'm really hoping this gets fixed soon because I've got a lot of content to drop for you guys, but I really hope you can understand ❤️ Thank you so much for being so patient.

I'm just going to be pessimistic and say that I may not get to upload anything tonight, but this may in fact be a blessing in disguise as it gives me some time to film other things ahead of schedule.

So far the things we have waiting to drop are already filmed:

- LevelUp! Project Season 1 Eps. 8&9

- Everglow's 'Last Melody' Album Listen

- Taemin's 'Advice' Album Listen

- Hotel Del Luna Ep. 13

and The Binge Ep. 10.

Thanks for your patience guys. Love and appreciate you all and sorry for the inconvenience! As a result we may not see the GEN2SDAY videos on Youtube until tomorrow (Wednesday), but they'll be up nonetheless.

~ Lachie ❤️


Fabien Da Silva

What happened to your wifi mate?


There's a local network outage that's messed everything up and they're taking forever to fix it 😭 Australia's internet can be soooooo bad sometimes.

Fabien Da Silva

Ouh man. I understand your position... Singapore someone accidentally cut our cables, everyone starts eating up the telco company, and they have to refund everyone's bills for that mth.