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Honestly guys, just take care of yourselves out there. You don't have to watch this if you don't want to ❤️ For those that might take comfort in watching with someone else, go right ahead. Remember you can always skip through things or just stop watching if stuff gets tough. 

I love you WIZ*ONE! Lets always continue supporting IZ*ONE and loving them!

Part 1 

Part 2 

Part 3 

Part 4 

~ Lachie ❤️



enkh khen

i want to watch this and don't want at the same time! himnae bro, i was with them from the pd so it was the best journey ever!


Thanks Lach! Just wanted you to know that, Thank you and I love ya bro! And to all to the WIZ*ONEs here with us i love you all too


I'll be honest... I've been in the KPOP scene for over a decade. I've had many groups I loved disband in that time.. But this one, these young women hold a special place in my heart. The team may be apart, but IZ*ONE is forever. Their future begins now and I will always support them in whatever they do.


This is a memory you now have with you forever. It hurts today, but it will be cherished in the future. Endings are always hard, sad but also beautiful. Keep your chin up, and keep loving the girls, forever.


Just do what makes you feel comfortable bro. Big love to you and I'm so glad to have you here man.


Thanks so much Endy, love you heaps brother! ❤️To all WIZ here, we love you ❤️


This is the perfect comment man. And I mean PERFECT. The team is apart, but IZ*ONE will always be forever because they want to be, and thus we have to be. It's a new beginning for them here and I can't wait to see them absolutely kill it in everything they do. Lets forever and always love and support them man. ❤️


Thanks so much man. This is so so true! Pain will subside with time but the love will only get stronger. And every ending is a new beginning and so for that, I am so incredibly excited for them and to see them grow and love each other even more ❤️



Peter Yuen

My heart is broken, seems like someone ripped something out and left a void, the girls definitely do not want to disband, it’s as much shock as it for them 12, I just broke down totally lost it when Chaewon was hyperventilating as she trying to speak, it’s just breaks my heart watching these girls suffering like this. I will always be a WIZ*ONE and will support each members wherever the journeys take each of them too. I’m still waiting for a miracle.


I relate to the last sentence of your post. I'm glad someone was willing to vocalize that sentiment. Every fan was aware of the end date, but had wool pulled over their eyes ever since Panorama dropped. Between the Universe thing, the sparse updates on contract negotiations, and the entire "our story that will continue because we are together" line on the concert poster, this smacks of corporate gaslighting. The girls and the fandom got taken for a complete fuckin ride for the past four months or so. Whichever way the cards may fall, I totally support what the Korean fandom is doing.


I really hope no one takes the post the wrong way because I’m honestly trying to figure some stuff out.... So I’ve been thinking about a lot of things regarding Izone. Thinking about their (probable) final concert, the disbandment, the future of the girls & the outcry of reactions to said disbandment. Let me preface this by saying I am a fan of Izone and especially Chaewon...I fell for her the second the Woollim girls stepped on stage for their initial evaluation. While I might be a fan it was made clear to me early on in my interactions with Lachie, his channel & other listeners/patrons that I am not nearly as big a fan as a lot of you. I said in another comment, either here or on the YT channel, that after the I.O.I. experiment I wasn’t going to allow myself to feel that way again....not if I ultimately knew what the inevitable outcome was to be. I.O.I. only promoted for about 11 months, and only about 7 with all the members so the situations aren’t entirely the same. In other words I kind of understand what you are going thru but I kind of don’t. Admittedly Izone fans had much more time to become more invested in the group. I’m honestly trying to have a conversation & get real information. Lachie, if you or any of you subscribers feel ANY of this offends or is out of line feel free to take it down, that is not my intention. Please keep in mind that I’m in the US & have been trying to stay off all sns (other than YT/patreon) for about a year now (I highly recommend it....the sanity is otherworldly) so if this is information you feel I should know but don’t, that’s why. So as far as the disbandment, aside from the horrible timing of the announcement, didn’t everyone see it coming? I mean it was a project group from the beginning & the length of contract was always 2.5 years so why were/are so many people so shocked? Again the time was so bad but would it have been better to wait until the end of April, possibly feeding into the false hope of so many? And to that end why are people so angry with the individual companies (again, aside from the timing of the god awful dismandment announcement by CJ E&M). Obviously I get the sadness, the hurt, the sorrow, but is anger really justified when disbandment was preordained. Did CJ & the other companies not meet the requirements of the contract? Do Woollim, WM, Starship, etc...not have the right to manage their now successful & popular idols once the Izone run is over? Wasn’t that the reason for sending them to PD48, to get the exact kind of exposure they got? Isn’t that what they agreed to when they sent their trainees? And the way I understand it, the companies (that sent trainees & had some actual negotiating power) were insistent on the length of contract not changing after the BS that YG tried to pull on smaller companies during the Mixnine fiasco. I mean yes, 1/12th (or more in the case of Woollim, Starship & EMI) of a successful group is nothing to sneeze at but think of the gold mine that say, Starship for instance, is sitting on. Is it really unfair of them to profit now? I know that sounds harsh but the reality is that’s the nature of the beast. And kpop idols (in particular girl groups) have been treated unfairly & as disposable assets from the beginning of time. Sadly this kind of treatment is not unique to Izone! Just look at Afterschool (or literally any Pledis gg), 9muses, f(x), Stellar, CLC, Hyuna.....the list goes on & on. So, unfortunately, wasn’t corporate profit ALWAYS going to come first? I’ve also heard, admittedly via secondhand sources, that many fans, while claiming they would never hurt the girls, are planning on boycotting their companies....how exactly is that not going to hurt the girls? I guess bottom line is that while this is all very sad, the future prospects of all 12 of the girls seems bright. Of course it’s partly do to the hard work & talent of all 12 of them but also, it’s in no small part do to the time, money & effort that’s been put into them for nearly 3 years! If I’m being honest I’m very much looking forward to seeing what Eunbi’s going to do...I see the potential for a very successful solo career ala Chungha. Keep in mind if there was no PD101/I.O.I Chungha might very well be wasting away with the other exceptionally talented girls of Bvndit because their company doesn’t have the means to properly support them. {{Side note, I just read an interesting yet sad account of one of the members of Elris taking a part time job for the sole purpose TO EARN MONEY TO PROMOTE THE GROUP. Yes, this disbandment has been & will be tough for these girls but they are, in fact, some of the lucky few that get proper comebacks with proper promotions!}} I’m also interested to see if/how Chaewon will fit into Rocket Punch. I feel like the concept suits her well & I know both she & Eunbi are close to Yeonhee, Juri & Suyun. It seems clear that WM has an entire gg ready & waiting to debut that’s built around Chaeyeon & I can’t wait. Stone could go in several directions with Yuri but I see a solo career primarily as a ballad/OST singer or the main vocal of a group. And based on the success of both Sistar & WJSN, 2 of my favorite groups, I can’t begin to tell you how much I’m looking forward to Starships next gg that will be anchored by 2 of the best young idols in SK! I could even see Starship signing Nako and/orHitomi & have them join the group....and at the very least we’d get to see Nako standing between Wooyoung & Yujin for years to come! I’ve seen rumors that Sakura might sign with Bighit as well. I know that’s not all the girls but I’m not as familiar with some of the others so I won’t speculate....& keep in mind that’s exactly what this is, speculation based on the limited knowledge I have of Izone members. The last thing I’ll touch on is this....as true, honest to god fans of Izone, as many of you are, isnt all the anger & other nonsense I’m hearing about boycotts & all taking away from what should be a celebration? Yes, it was difficult to watch those girls fall apart at the end of the 2nd concert, seeing Chaewon, Eunbi & Minju especially struggle was heartbreaking, but think about all the idols that were never given the chance to say goodbye? Never given the chance for a final concert? The ones that only got to cry with their group mates, scared & alone in the dorm late at night. Or worse, at home because they were unceremoniously kicked out of their dorm. All those idols that faded away without a massive 2 day celebration? Anyway, I’ve rambled on too much but I would love to hear from those of you that are more invested....thanks for indulging me.

Lance Ma

I think you should read the actual statements from those kwiz, Lachie Twitter got link to the blog, right now you are basing on information you heard from third parties. Get the full information, then call people out, I would never throw other wizone under the bus without finding out every information available, because that would be acting on emotion. Keep in mind the Fandom is not a collective with a single thought, j wiz, k wiz and international wiz all have different expectations and feelings. Is ok we don't share same thoughts, but accusing a group Fandom that don't necessarily understand their issue being bad fans without taking in all information set a dangerous note because you will create an us or them mentality. Personally I wouldn't do what the k wiz are doing, but even i have no problem with them go after cj and the other companies involved. Just because you don't support the companies doesn't mean you don't support the girls. Is not a either or, girls and the companies aren't the same, if you see them the same then the girls should also be held responsible for the mnet produce 48 vote rigging. We don't because we can separate them. Can disagree about their position without saying they are hurting the girls and that is the worse thing you can say about a wiz*one.


thank you bro. pls support kwiz.


Sablizard, for some reason I can’t respond directly to your comment so I’ll put it here... Thank you for the link to the blog....it was hugely helpful but it still doesn’t answer some of the basic questions. Yes, it appears the girls & more so the fans, were duped into thinking the concert series might not be their final activities but honestly if I were CJ I would have wanted the fans to think this actually MAY have been the final group activity well before the concert as a means to drive up sales....everybody be like ah man, this is it, I better buy tickets. As for the timing of the disbandment announcement as compared to I.O.I. & Wanna One. Perhaps the announcement came much closer to the of the contract for that very reason. I.O.I. disbanded well before they were originally thought to so the extra heads up by the company was warranted. And I understand that you want to fight for the group(s) that you stan (believe me I’ve been hoping & praying for better treatment of CLC & some others for years now) but again, 2.5 years was the timeline all along. Yes, they were successful (more so than prior PD groups) & their activities did not slow down. But I go back to what I said in my original post. The companies that sent trainers to PD48 did it for the sole purpose of getting those trainees exposure in order to capitalize on that very exposure & popularity when the 2.5 years was up. It wasn’t to essentially give their artists to another company! They lent CJ their artists, they agreed to the terms of the contract, they met those terms, logically they should reap the benefits. Again, Starship (& others) are sitting on a potential gold mine! If I’m them I fight tooth & nail to keep them in house. I do see your point about amount activity towards the end of the contract, that could be misleading. But again if I own a business that has a product or service that is very successful & I know said product is coming to end of life in 4-6 months for whatever reason, it is fundamentally irresponsible of me as the business owner to slow down the activities of the very successful product/service....I obligated maximize its use for as long as possible. Yes, that’s harsh but unfortunately that is the way of the music industry in general & kpop specifically. Again, thanks for the blog link it really did help in having a better understanding of the situation.


Always brother. Supporting them every day and if they open the funding I’ll definitely be contributing. I’m here for you man, and I hope you’re doing well! Love and miss you BI! ❤️


Welp guess I'm not gonna change your opinion anyways but imma just say one final thing: It is not just that we were duped, they actually agreed to extend (including Starship) but some pulled out at the last minute. It has now also come out that some of the member's companies are in support of kwiz's plans. Money is power. If kwiz thinks they can use their (enormous amount of) money to influence the companies in making other decisions why should they not be allowed to try? Unconfirmed rumours (based on industry sources): It was not one of the members' labels that pulled out. It was CJ, the mother company, (so not even CJ ENM) that pulled the plug cause they don't want to be associated with Produce anymore. The members' labels agreed to extend and one of the kwiz's options is to fund a redebut of the 12 members together.


On a lighter note... Who else noticed Jojobas on the WIZ*ONE wall during Slow Journey, singing his heart out?