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Hey guys! It's almost 2:30am here but I just thought I'd give you all an update on how things have been going!

So I've just finished my first week of full time and it has been AMAZING, and hectic 🤯 Getting used to just focusing on my content and engaging so much more with you guys has been such a cool learning/growing opportunity, and I can't wait to grab hold of it properly starting next month for our first full month. 

First and foremost I do just want to apologise for a little bit of flexibility in the regular programming that we have right now. I'm still uploading our normal weekly reality shows right now but they're just on different days at the moment because of the requests that I've had baking for 2 weeks leading up to me going full time. As far as that is concerned, we will have Finding SKZ, SIXTEEN and some requests going up here tomorrow (Sunday 24th of Jan)! I hope you're excited for that ❤️

I'll be announcing my road map/plans for full time stuff on Patreon/Youtube with you guys most likely tomorrow as well. Some may see it as a little TMI, but I feel like its really important to be transparent with you all and communicate with you guys about what to expect. That way we can get excited together but also expect the right things of one another too!

Some changes will be coming to the Sun tier which I'll get to tomorrow, and the schedule for Patreon is quite literally about to become a lot funner I think. There'll be more available for the $1 and $3 tiers as far as polls that affect the channel/patreon are concerned, and there will potentially be kdramas coming over here extremely soon too!

There's a lot happening starting next month and I can't wait to tackle it with you guys! ❤️ So far this week I've posted 18 different videos to Patreon which is certainly a new record compared to 9 the week before! How are you guys liking the increased uploads on both here and Youtube? Let me know your thoughts!

Anyway thanks for attending my 2am TED talk, I love and appreciate you all for being here with me, and I can't believe how far this little community has come. You guys mean the world to me and I'm just so happy that we all have each other to share Korean music with. It's truly something special and I really love our little corner of the internet.

I love you guys, and I'll see you in the next videos! Until then take care, stay safe, and stay happy!

~ Lachie ❤️



I honestly super appreciate how much you communicate and share with us! Congrats again on going full time and know that you are rocking it 🔥❤️


Loving having so much content from you to watch.

luxovx (Luisa)

I really enjoyed this week! I hope you have a lot of fun the way it will turn out from now on. Definitely would enjoy K-Drama! Especially excited for upcoming reality shows👀 Love and appreciate you too!❤️

Cam C.

Lachie is Best Boi


Lachie Best Boi confirmed 🙌


Most importantly, hope you're having a lot of fun! You're the best ☺️ ❤️

Rudy van Immerzeel

Well, since there are a lot of boy groups I don’t watch them. Just because I’m not into boy groups. As for the rest I have all the time in the world since I can’t go back to work, you because of that C-thing, till at least March and I guess it will be longer. So keep uploading!!!!!! 😝😝😝😝😝