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Wow, this story of the twins was a true emotional roller coaster! They are a fascinating pair and now easy to have empathy for!




I think Ouran was the first show for me to ever depict being an identical twin as anything other than just 100% a fun time. But it does make sense how, if there's no one in your life who can tell you apart, it could start to feel a little dehumanizing. Like, yeah, they're assholes to the girls who send them love letters... But it IS also cruel, in a way, for the girl who's confessing to love one of them to then turn around and say... but actually, yeah, it wouldn't make a difference to me if I was dating your brother instead. I know I told you that these episodes are pretty much the extent of the twins' development in the anime. You'll notice that the twin-centric episodes are always narrated by Kaoru, the more mature of the two. (It was actually really interesting to see him reading that psychology book on ego and identity in the first episode! I've never picked up on that before!) But, in a pretty cool twist, later into the manga, Hikaru's the one who ultimately decides to dye his hair a little more permanently, so that they can always be told apart by everyone and start to be seen as their own people.


They’ve really done an amazing job with these characters! I truly enjoyed the twins’ story!


god it's been so fun rewatching this with you, I'm just sad that they haven't adapted the rest of the manga, maybe one day... if Fruits Basket can get a proper remake so can this. Honestly I kind of get were the twins are coming from, I think they take it to an extreme, but I can see why they lash out, they want someone to acknowledge them for who they are warts and all, without having to change themselves or pretend to be something else, but they've just ended up punishing themselves over it for so long.