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Damn, Angel's story was brutal! The "misery loves company" connection made with Husk, though, was awesome!

I WATCH HAZBIN HOTEL AT PRIME VIDEO: https://www.amazon.com/Hazbin-Hotel-Season-1/dp/B0CLM8LHS7



Florian Krause

Loser, Baby is my favourite song of the show. But there just so many good ones, it wasn't easy to choose.


This episode was fucked up and dark as shit. But also beautiful in a sense that it's not only unafraid to take things to messed up places. And at the same time bring the most realistic way to cheer up someone who's quite literally at rock bottom. Because like no matter what positive message Angel might've been told, he wasn't in a mental state to take it in. But by shocking him with insults Husk was able to get Angel defensive (like: "hey fuck you I'm not that bad a loser!") and through that get the message of comradire to stick. As you said. Rather than just magically fixing it for him, giving Angel the true support structure he wasn't able to let himself accept while behind his mask