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How does one go about kicking the ass that one cannot see? Batman will figure it out!

I WATCH BATMAN TAS AT AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B001BXQ97I/



Phillip Ribbink

The Invisible Man is probably my favourite of the Universal Monsters and this episode really captures the spirit of what makes the character and the powers great. Being able to do anything and get away with it because you can't be seen, and being able to mock people while you do it. Though I will admit this guy's trash talk is a little lacklustre. He's no Claude Rains. On another note this has gotta be a single parent's greatest fear. That their lousy ex will someday show up back in their lives and take their child away. File that one away under Adult Fear on TV Tropes. Also it's no wonder Helen wants to move, look at the neighbourhood they're living in. It's amazing they could afford a house on a Grocery Store Clerk's salary. Even in a neighbourhood as lousy as that. Then again it's amazing anyone still lives in Gotham with how crime-ridden it is. And that's before you get into Batman's Rogue Gallery showing up and either gassing or otherwise attacking the city every other week. We're just lucky that Kimberly never let slip which city they were actually moving to. Otherwise Ventrix probably would've come after them, once he got out.

White Lightning

Good thing for Batman the invisible man wasn't smart enough to make an invisible gun