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I'm gonna gout on a limb and say Batman's a bit better role model than Joker!

I WATCH BATMAN TAS AT AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B001BXQ97I/



Mason Palmer

These Joker episodes definitely get better and better. Some all time classic Joker moments belong to this show.

Phillip Ribbink

You'd think after all the crap Joker's pulled in Gotham. Clowns and Amusement Parks would be out of business in Gotham due to the bad publicity by association. Also I think Mayor Hill had the potential to be a good father. I mean he did book a magician for Jordan's Birthday Party, which means while he doesn't share his son's enthusiasm for magic. He at least knows what his son likes, which is more than some parents. He just needs to know when to stop campaigning.