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Our boy, Sanji, is on the scene!... At the same time that Nami wants to depart the scene!

I WATCH THE ONE PIECE LIVE ACTION AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/80217863



Brother E

I'm glad you're enjoying the show, so many people had skepticism whether or not this was good, however this adaptation thus far as blew everyone's expectations. We didn't know that Luffy and Garp were related until we saved Robin from CP9. That's much later in the story, so it's interesting how they integrated that reveal early on to progress the plots further. Also finally seeing Sanji, Zeff, and the Baratie! I love this set because they built this full set in the middle of a lake, no CGI whatsoever that is impressive. And if we have a real life Sanji that can actually cook food as good as the anime Sanji, sign me up!! And Mihawk...wow like you said yesterday just seeing things here and remembering where we are currently now in the anime. Mihawk was presented very good


Garp had a bit of pride in Luffy doing what he did. He was pissed, but then he remembered that it was his grandson. Sanji!!!! Mah boi!!! LMAO Live action gave as much a shit about Don Krieg as Oda did XD