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It's really cool, seeing Zoro's early days, his relationship with his rival, and his goal of becoming the world's greatest!

I WATCH THE ONE PIECE LIVE ACTION AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/80217863



J Johnson

Funny how they manage to slip in light horror elements into this series. If someone had said they'd be adding in a nighttime slasher chase scene through an empty mansion in live action One Piece I'd have said it was going to be a disaster. Yet somehow it works. Also, Kuro assumes a bottle over the head was enough to take care of Zoro. Not quite the master planner he claims to be.


Helmheppo is a slowburn. Just like in the anime, he was still an entitled brat, but Koby changed him around as the two worked together and bonded. In the anime Helmheppo is Koby's best friend and side-kick. Give it time, I'm sure the turn about will be awesome! Kuro is easily more terrifying here. In the anime he felt like a run of the mill saturday cartoon villain, here he's a psychopath who is amoral and has no regard for anyone he hurts or kills. Zoro's backstory with the girl Kiuna? Was his baseline starting spot until Hawkeye appeared and then when he lost to Hawkeye he swore to Luffy he'd never lose again; a vow he has held all the way up to the last anime episode you watched aka 1089. Kaia is also a lot more prominant in the live action and Usopp exhibits a lot more bravery than he does in the anime version of the story. All the same, I love Usopp in this adaptation and I cannot wait for you to meet Sanji and Zeff.