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The fight against Stormfront was fantastic! It really sucked, losing Becca, though, and makes Ryan a potentially HUGE player in all this!

WATCH THE BOYS AT AMAZON PRIME VIDEO:  https://www.amazon.com/The-Boys-Season-1/dp/B07QNJCXZK



Florian Krause

While Stormfronts actress is pretty good, I wish she learned the german text a little bit better

Lewd Angel

Okay but why is the girls stomping down on Stormfront literally the Jojo beatup meme lmao


While the phone call between the congresswoman and church leader was going on, I kept thinking "So which ones head is going to explode next?" I did not see the twist of the woman actually being the culprit coming though...


The stormfront beat down scene is everything Marvel wishes their girl power scene from endgame was. If you give your female characters a chance to shine like this show does, then that type of scene makes sense and happens naturally. If, like marvel, you treat them all as side characters and don't give them a chance to shine, then it feels preachy and forced down our throats.