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Interesting battle of the Whites! Walt says, "Fuck it, I'm living here no matter what!" Skyler says, "Fuck it, I'll fuck Ted!"

I WATCH BREAKING BAD AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/70143836




Damn I forgot Danny Trejo was in this! He's the guy you saw at the bar at the start. I hope he lives long enough to be Kaido in the live action One Piece, cuz his face fits the depiction almost perfectly. He's also in Sons of Anarchy, which is a show I hope you start after this one! Also, Hank's partner is Danny's character's partner in SoA; funny how these two shows connect so well XD My thing is, with Skyler reporting Walt is on the legal basis; the house is co-owned, and as the cop said, unless there is a court order/ civil suit that rips Walter's ownership of the house, Skyler cannot do anything. And with Walt Jr sticking up for his dad in front of the two cops, what the hell did she expect would happen? And agreed, banging her boss was a messed up move, because it's emotionally manipulating both men for differing reasons. I just now realized I want a SaulxHondo cross over.


What Walt did, while wrong, he did for his family and can be morally justified, what Skyler did is just petty and did for "Revenge" to get back at Walt, especially cause she did it AFTER his whole speech about why he did it in the 1st place, which was to help her and the kids out, it's like she's taking revenge on him for trying to (in the Wrong way) help them out after hes gone, just makes her seem like a bitch to me.

Heavenly Demon

Yea skyler did Walt wrong. He lied and broke the law to save his family. And she does that Walt take her out of the will

Lord Baldur

Skylar behaving the way she behaved in early season 3 is probably what lead most people to think of Walt as a decent person when in reality, he's not. I also love his excuse that he's doing this for his family despite that this is happening way after Walt has more than enough money.

Nate D.

I think hanks just having a masculinity complex, I think he's afraid for the first time, he was the zoro entering the new world fighting low level henchman to go fight mihawk aka the cartels, and idk if he thinks he's not good enough or what


He's like an 8th grader going to high school. From the top straight to the bottom in a manner of speaking.


I was a smoker from I was 17 too 31. Even when I smoked (which I quit cold turkey 5 years ago) I NEVER smoke close too children. I think this is one of the things that makes me hate Skyler.