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Whether he is currently "complete" or not, I didn't expect to see Zeref taken down this quickly! This seems bad!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




Kinda funny how no one seems to know jack shit about Zeref, not even those who worship him. Sure, he's apparently some legendary evil black wizard who may have done some bad shit in the past, around 400 years ago or something, and he created the demons from the "Book of Zeref" like Deliora and Lullaby, but no one seems to know why. Or even who he is as a person, for that matter.


With how much she was gushing over Zeref I was under the impression she wanted the D from Mr Z. XD As Aeco pointed out, Zeref seems uninterested in those who revere him as the master of black magic. He just seems to want to be left alone and is pissed that Grimoire Heart brought violence to FT's island.

Lewd Angel

Something that the series doesn't explain properly, at least not until weirdly convenient moments, is two different magic types don't mix well at all. A lotta people, myself included, hoped Natsu might be able to use God Slayer flames along with his Dragon Slayer fire from now on back when he first managed to eat Zancrow's flames, alas thats not the case. You have to actually attain and train with a certain type of magic to be able to use it consistently and unfortunately Natsu only applied a band-aid solution to not being able to eat the black fire, ie emptying himself dry so there was nothing 'incompatible' with the god slayer magic he was ingesting. His only saving grace was that it WAS still fire, hence being base level consumable for him. But as you can see, even with that it still messed up his insides pretty good, if giggle lad managed to survive getting blasted once it likely wouldn't have ended well for our boy. Zeref losing was a hard sell for me, but it does seem clear he's a little distraught and his heart really isn't in the fight. Lord help Ultear if he ever fully comitted to turning on her


Love how Zerefs theme song is the same as the "Fields of Ard Skellig".