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Dooku getting involved is gonna make this liberation a lot more sticky!

I WATCH STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS AT DISNEY+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/star-wars-the-clone-wars/1wYXzjabXGVZ




oh Anakin saying always put "purpose ahead of your feelings" is funny, one of his defining characteristics is his how his emotions control him. He's honest though about understanding how Ahsoka feels, Jedi aren't meant to get romantically involved with others, it's one of their big rules that can get you kicked out of the order if you break it. the emotional attachment is considered dangerous because the fear of loss can lead them to the dark side, Yoda has a speech about it "Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering", and well... Anakin is secretly married to Padme.


It's fascinating, seeing these little contradictions and chinks in the armor of some characters.


Took me a minute to catch up to these. Been binging them on my off time. I think my main issue with The Seperatists is how they use more terroristic antics to get their wins, despite that they lose far more often than they win. Obviously, the movement is a puppet organization controlled by Sidious through Dooku; it's success in the war is not a factor, but its presence is. Also some planets see the Clone occupations as a means of soft oppression aka they are trading liberty for security. I also do agree with you on Anakin's approaches being more sound than those of Obi, Mace, or Yoda. The code can be a hindrance at times, but their concern is where does the line get drawn? Anakin is a passionate man and he does care greatly about his fellow Jedi and the soldiers under his command as well as those he seeks to protect, but as others have said, he often lets his emotions get the better of him. I do think The Jedi way has the fundamental flaw of supressing emotion too strongly where as the Sith way just allows any and all extremities to be freely used. The balance is within both sides where there is room for attachment and emotion, but not to the extent that you abandon morality or only use the force for the sake of personal gain and power.