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Both Anakin and Palpatine are at a stage that could be described as very questionable as to their thought processes!

I WATCH STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS AT DISNEY+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/star-wars-the-clone-wars/1wYXzjabXGVZ




I want to avoid giving spoilers because I do hope you can eventually see the prequel films, but you'll definitely appreciate more some moments in this episode and others when seeds of doubt about the Jedi order and the Republic are sown, the prequel era is sort of defined by its politics and strategy, on and off the battlefield, the Clone Wars does an amazing job of fleshing this out, and developing the galaxy in general. Oh, giving you a little heads up as well because I think it's coming up soon, Abercrombie, Palpatine's voice actor unfortunately passed away during filming for season 5, so Tim Curry had to take over the role, so you'll notice his voice will suddenly jarringly change, like really, really noticeably. No disrespect to Tim Curry, I love his acting, but Abercrombie perfectly captured Palpatine the tone and feel of Palpatine from the films.


Anakin's starting to get the better of Dooku by now. He gets closer and closer every time they face off. Good ol' Palps seemed pretty smug about it as well.

Harrison Wardle-Millar

I absolutely love the Anakin vs Dooku fight. If you didn’t know, Dooku is the best lightsaber duelist peroid; his attacks are always precise and graceful with his fencer-esque stance. On the other hand, Anakin has always been more of a brute force kind of fighter, with wild swings and spins, but he also often gives in to his anger. In this fight, Anakin is pissed off; betrayed by his best friend and the Jedi council. The only one that (he thinks) believes in him is Palpatine, and now he has just been captured from right in front of him. Anakin’s is so full of pure rage that he effortlessly kills two Magna Guards and COMPLETELY overpowers Dooku, slamming his blade straight through funiture, kicking Dooku and then strangling him; pure brutality. I always get chills as Palpatine looks on in glee as Dooku is being legitimately over powered by the future Vader.