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Can the people of Edolas survive without magic? I didn't realize it was such an integral part of their lives!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




I asked myself this when I first watched the end episodes of this arc; Had Edo Jellal planned this from the start? It does seem like Edolas Jellal has the consequences in mind, but he's put Lily in a difficult position; he's asking Lily to kill him and then bear the burden of leading a magicless society. To me that came off wrong as he's making a mess, but then passing the burden of fixing said mess to another. Mind you his logic on erasing magic is understandable given how its been the root of the problem for Edolas as a whole. However, a society losing its main power source will take years to re-adjust. That said, you know an arc is good when it gets the mind spinning the gears. I think this arc has two more episodes and then it's onto the next!

Lewd Angel

To put it into our terms, imagine if our world was suddenly devoid of all electricity, the power source our entire society is based on vanishes all of a sudden and there are no ways to ever bring it back, thats what Edolas is facing right now. Everything they know is based around magic, it kinda puts into perspective why King Crazy is the way he is. One couldn't even call that a lack of adaptability, theres just no way to adapt to such an enormous change beyond getting used to it through generations. Hopefully Lily can smack some sense into Edo Jellal, otherwise the people there are in for a long adaptation period. On a different note, i fuckin love Sugar Boy, it takes a very special man to rock that dumbass haircut with so much confidence