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Wow! This was a stunning development! I am REALLY anxious to see Kirito's hunt for Asuna in the real world!

I WATCH SAO AT CRUNCHY: https://beta.crunchyroll.com/series/GR49G9VP6/sword-art-online




Ah, okay Yui, what you saw in the sky was people who died. Yui... 😭 I'd wake up too "I've got a wife, lets go get her! I'm late for a very important date, two years enfact"


A lot of people say that after this moment is where the series takes a nose dive. At least until the 3rd season.


When I originally watched it way back before s3 started I would have agreed, but back in 2021 I gave the series a rewatch (never picked it back up with s3) and I gotta say, 1st half of S1 I liked, 2nd half still hated, but S2 really suprised me by how much I enjoyed it, when I 1st watched it I didn't like it but now GGO and Mothers Rosario I fell in love with, It made me watch the GGO spinoff and I really hope for a s2 cause I loved it EDIT: Writing this made me look up if there was anything on S2 and turns out yes there is, news got released this year and maaaan I'm so hyyyyyyped