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I would have liked to see Bullfrog's demise come more slowly and painfully, but dead is dead; I'll take it!

I WATCH STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS AT DISNEY+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/star-wars-the-clone-wars/1wYXzjabXGVZ



Sean PaulT60

This was the big twist; it wasn't just that Krell viewed clones as inferiors and using them in much the same way as battle droids with his full-frontal assaults. It's that he was trying to gain Dooku's favor having decided that the republic will inevitably lose the war. His brute force tactics were specifically meant to cost as many clone lives as possible which is why he reacted negatively to all of Rex's strategies and to Hardcase and the other two clones successful assault on the supply base. This is the first example so far (if I'm remembering this correctly) of a jedi turning to the dark side and (trying to) siding with Dooku.


11:02 and so ends the legend of Waxor and Boil. He deserved to die for that alone.


catching up on this so this is a super late comment but wanted to make point about the expense from what I understand George Lucas funded a lot of this show himself so they had a bigger budget then any other cartoon on Cartoon Network