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Wow! Umbridge The Punchable is a character on the obnoxiousness scale of Kabuto from Naruto! This administration needs to go!





I was looking forward to see your reaction to Umbridge. God I hate her, and I see everyone else agrees. She is so much more hateable than Voldemort! The actress who plays her does a marvelous job of portraying her such a way.

Dylan Carpenter

All I saw on the email notifaction for this was "SUPER PUNCHABLE FACE!" and I knew you were starting Order of the Phoenix. Umbridge has that effect on people. Looking forward to watching this with you once the second part goes up!


After you finish all the Harry Potter movies you should really play Hogwarts Legacy. It’s so cool to be able to explore that world.


Fudge knows Volde is back, but his fear and paranoia don't allow him to act on that belief and he thinks the more he denies it the less true it is. Afterall he cleared up Harry's mistake of blowing up his aunt and in fact laughed it off. Now's he's throwing the book at Harry, literally the opposite. Also my headcanon is that Fudge isn't a bad guy, but he's not prepared to handle a second coming of Voldemort. The long years of peace have made him complacent and blind to the dangers afoot. I agree the only Weasley I slightly dislike is Percy, but that's after he joins the ministry, I know he's just doing his job, but still. The rest are awesome though, especially Molly and the twins. Luna is up there as one of my favorite characters. She simply awesome. :) Umbridge is without a doubt the most hated character of Harry Potter. Words escape me on how to describe how detestable she is.

Peter Milligan

Imelda Staunton is one of my favourite actors and Umbridge was the first role I saw her in. Umbridge is my favourite antagonist of the series I think. Shes up there with Livia from I Claudius for how bad she is, although I will say Livia does take the top spot for pure evil. That woman is something else.

Daniel Thunberg

Imelda Staunton (Dolores Umbridge) does a wonderful job as the most hated character in the series.


Umbridge is the fucking worst lol The actress said in an interview that she read the book and the character of Umbridge is described as very ugly and toad-like, and people told her "you'd be great for that part" lmao she just thanked them 😂 She seems like a lovely woman, very nice.


I’ve been reading a lot of comments about her and she sounds as sweet as Umbridge is obnoxious!


Strikes me as odd. She's not ugly at all. They must have just meant that she was good at pulling off the personality.


I think that's what they meant lol and I'm sure she knew that, I think she was just being funny about it