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I am really impressed! I like how they are telling the story, I like the casting and pretty much everything about this!

I WATCH THE ONE PIECE LIVE ACTION AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/80217863 




As someone who's already watched the whole thing all I can say is that the OPLA literally broke the curse of anime live actions. While it's not perfect it's the best live action of any anime ever done. While some parts were cut it still doesn't disappoints. Besides it has Odas' stamp of approval. The Guy, from what I read, was literally like a guard dog, making sure every scene was to his liking. So every scene you see here Oda himself approved it. Hell Oda and even Luffy's voice actress approve of the kid playing Luffy here as the perfect live action Luffy. When you have those two stamps of approval then I'm all for it. If the author himself was a part of this and gave it his stamp of approval then I'm happy with it and believe in it

Some guy named Chris

I had never seen a good live action adaptation of a beloved anime before. And not just good, I’ve never seen one that wasn’t a steaming pile of shit. Particularly among the western adaptations, never mind the Japanese ones. And then this came out. I went into it filled with nothing but apprehension, and it blew my mind. This isn’t just a good adaptation, it is an amazing one. Best I’ve ever seen. Not saying much considering, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.


I just finished it myself last night, its a fantastic adaptation. I think your hatred of Arlong will sky rocket XD I've actually joined your side of putting him on top of the shit list. I still hate Orochi and Diamante more, but he's climbed some steps! I also need to catch up on your reactions as my bank screwed up my debit card, I was a victim of identity theft, and a bunch of other personal stuff, but I don't want to soil your comment section with that. Anyhoot, I got a few episodes of FT, your last two parts of LOTR, and then this to watch. Much love, mein comrade!


Zoro can't donge his minority hunter aligations 😜😂😂😂

Harry Jones

One of the biggest surprises I've had in a while that they not only didnt screw this up, but absolutely nailed it. Somebody invollved in the process of this decided to actively avoid making the characters 1:1, and instead making a point of matching the "energy" of the characters, and that was a phenomenal idea.


That bar scene is iconic, but also with information we have now it changes it totally. In anime/manga Higuma (the bandit) boasts having an 8 million berry bounty, on contrast Shanks had an 1.04 BILLION bounty back then.


It feels so good to see how successful One Piece is becoming. Between the Gear 5 moments in the anime and then how amazing this live action has become. I can certainly say I have never been more proud to be a One Piece fan. It’s crazy to think how people only thought of 4Kids when talking about One Piece, but now it’s becoming this generation’s Dragon Ball! It really gets me emotional thinking how far One Piece has gone and just how close we are to some day reaching the end. I am going to enjoy every last moment I could showering love for this show 🏴‍☠️❤️


I feel so bad for the actor playing Zoro. You know his jaw had to be killing him during filming ☠️🥲


Even if this is the first live action anime that isn't a total dumpster fire it's just not for me. Anime should be kept as animated. There is no way to do live action of especially shounen without using so much cgi and crap its kinda pointless. There is already an entire 1100 episodes of this show made on a computer. Glad yall enjoy it though.