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This is the YouTube edit of the vid, which, for some reason, was blocked. Those who prefer this version can at least see it here.




Check your times .. usually over 30 minutes for a movie they'll come after ya . Typically 30 or less you can aim fair use


Unfortunately, My Friend, that's just coincidence. If you do a YouTube search on "Lord of the Rings" reaction, you'll see a bunch of vids way longer than 30 minutes with a lot of views. It seems to be that once they catch on to certain uploaders, they stay after them. And the Fair Use doctrine lists time as only one of many factors to be considered when determining whether something falls into the Fair Use category. That bit of copyright law is left vague on purpose, to be decided on a case by case basis.

Anime Wulf

So that's where Susan went, she joined the government. Now we know why that sucks too.