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Hey, Gang...

Several of you have told me MEGA has been hitting you with exceeded bandwidth prompts and not letting you download stuff. The thing is, I pay for the biggest plan and allot 70% of the bandwidth for you guys to use. I just checked my stats and we are nowhere near our limits!

I'm thinking this is a MEGA glitch, so hopefully it won't be too much of a pain in the ass for you guys, as I think it will get straightened out.

If not, and you continue experiencing this issue, please let me know in a comment or via PM, and I'll get in touch with MEGA support!



I've run into bandwidth issues with Mega in the past, and had to wait a long time for downloads to finish. The way I understand it, and I could easily be mistaken here, Mega wants the person downloading the files to pay for extra bandwidth usage as well. This means that, for particularly big downloads, or times when I'm downloading multiple things from Mega, eventually I have to wait several hours before the download continues, or pony up the money for one of their paid plans. One time I had to wait more than 5 hours for a half-completed download to finish. Again, I could be wrong, or maybe they've changed it recently, I'm not sure. It took me more than 12 hours to download the zip file with all of the Yu Yu Hakusho reactions, but to be fair, that zip was close to 8 gigs, if I'm not mistaken. lol

Charlie baker

Oh interesting i nabbed amega lite plan years ago when i encountered that


That’s messed up! On my end, they tell me that you guys can use the bandwidth I provide for your downloads! 😡

Brother E

Hey, here's a trick to stop the bandwidth limits, use a VPN and once the speed throttles swap the IP address. This happens with MEGA where they cap you based on IP location. And if you're using desktop PC then I would advise using the MegaSync app as well. This is known to enhance performance for anything in MEGA. Especially when it comes to downloading content.

Lewd Angel

I don't think its tied to you, its specific to us. MEGA tells me i've exeeded the transfer limit for my IP, and that i should either buy Pro or wait 4 hours to continue, so i don't believe it matters whatever plan you have purchased as long as we watch on free accounts, they'll impose limits on that. Whether this is something new or not i don't know, we usually don't watch things up to an hour


It may be working that way, but it's not supposed to. On my end, I set the percentage allotment of my bandwidth for any of you guys to use, regardless of which type of account you have... It may only kick to my side once your plan has run out, but you guys should still have lots of availability... That is, of course, if it is, indeed, working right.


I just watch the file link so I’m not having any issues 👍


I haven't had any issues at all. I occasionally have app issues with mega but switching to browser to watch always fixes it for me. I've never had anything pop about usage with them. I tend to watch almost entirely on mobile


So far this has only happened to me once last week but that's all