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Both Walt and Hank are getting closer to going off the deep end... However, into very different waters!

I WATCH BREAKING BAD AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/70143836




I just wanna say I adore your reactions. I hit a low point recently; cut ties with an alcoholic, mentally unwell uncle, my job has me stressed out due to the stupidity of some people, and how entitled others can be. I usually watch your FT reactions during my breaks, unless ofc I have the day off. I just wanna thank you for being awesome. Edit: Interesting that you applied to become a police officer as my current job has me as a civilian working for a police department.


Sorry to hear about your stresses, My Friend. I hope things begin straightening themselves out for you soon!… We’ve got a lot of great stuff to watch together, so I truly hope it gives you a lift!


I always wanted to watch Breaking Bad and given that my now limited time and bed rest happen to fall together i watched the entire show in a week, its easily my favourite non-anime show ever now

Brother E

As far as the Breakage argument, I have to disagree and be on Walter's side. Sure things like this can happen but Walt makes a very valid point that if people start hearing that Jesse's boys are getting robbed so easily then what's stopping others from doing worse and utterly destroying the whole business. Remember they're still early on in this venture its just Walt, Jesse, and Jesse's boys. If they're getting robbed by addicts no less then what deters any real threats or if another dangerous threat like Tuco comes around and runs them out of business? Walt is right and things need to be handled early on so they don't get pushed around


I’m not contesting that something may need be done about it. My issue is with Walt’s take that this stuff can’t be allowed to happen. No matter who you are - even Tuco - this type of “breakage” is inevitable.

Brother E

Also here's something cool to know, in 2019 Bryan Cranston (Walt) and Aaron Paul (Jesse) opened up a very successful Mezcal business called Dos Hombres. I know you don't drink, but it's really good. They went from illegally selling meth to legally selling alcohol LOL


Hank had a panic attack in the elevator. He's struggling to come to terms with his encounter with Tuco, and he seems to be having symptoms of PTSD. It may stem from killing Tuco, but I think it's more from dealing with the fact he was almost killed himself. Hearing those bottles pop in the middle of the night (too much built up pressure), he definitely started panicking someone was there and he was about to be put in the same situation. Marie is an idiot for following him and opening the door like that lol She's lucky he didn't freak and accidentally shoot her (something I wouldn't expect if he were in the right state of mind of course, but as we see he is not).


I'm with you in that I think this type of loss while selling drugs in this quantity is unavoidable. But Walt is also right in that once word gets out that you can rob them with no consequences then things go from bad to worse. The issue is that at this current state their business model is unsustainable. They aren't some college kids selling a small amount of drugs on the side for extra cash. They are moving decent quantities of meth and money and that comes with risks that require protection which they don't have access to. Something is going to give at some point in this situation.


Well judging from what happened to Hank's hand I'd say he put other caps on too hard and they're finally giving in to the carbonation.


"What do you think I am here for?"^^

Heavenly Demon

Your" Oral boards exam " talk sounds like a porn moive title and script. A bunch of guys around you , your back is agains the wall , but instead of questions there something else they are giving you . Just kidding good story and yea you f up , a bunch of hard ass cops ask you a serious question. Nd you give a fucked up joke lol. They probably put you on a list after that ..( I might be on it to lol ) good story


I love that the writers made Hank so vulnerable. I couldn't stand him at first, but he's one of the more interesting characters in my opinion.


Funny hearing them get into the costs of treatment. If I didn't have insurance dialysis would cost me 9k per treatment 27k a week.