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Well, Padme, negotiation seemed awesome, but unfortunately not in the best interests of certain scumbags!

I WATCH STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS AT DISNEY+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/star-wars-the-clone-wars/1wYXzjabXGVZ




this series doesn't really cover it from what I remember, but Dooku at one point was a good person, he was a Jedi Master and Yoda's apprentice, but he left the Jedi after becoming disillusioned by the corruption in the Jedi and Galactic Senate, Dooku is a political idealist but becoming a Sith and turning to the Dark side slowly corrupts a persons mind turning them evil. The separatists do have a point, the Senate is completely corrupt, to bad their own leaders are Sith, people who worship power and destruction.


I love this episode and it really captures that the clone war isn't really just Republic good separatist bad there are many on both sides doing "bad things" for their own gain and many on both sides doing "good things" for what they feel is right also I really like Lux Bontari as a character I like his introduction here I won't say more as to not spoil anything. But the only true answer to all this corruption is to put our faith in Chancellor Palpatine the more power given to him the safer we all will be