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I've wanted to see this movie for years, and I'm really glad I did! What a lot of fun!

For any who might want an exact sync, I watched this movie at PEACOCK TV.




Does this mean Lord of the Rings is possible?


Funny little thing about this movie, Harry doesn't cast a single spell. at most he does the "up" thing for the broom, and accidentally disappears the snake glass. but no real spells. some wizard he is eh?


So fun fact: The original title of the book/movie is The Philosopher's Stone, but it was changed in America cuz Rowling didn't think kids would wanna read a book with philosopher in the name

Jake from SF

I wonder... were you watching the extended version? I'd be perfectly synced and next thing I know you're commenting on something I haven't seen and shortly later I'm like oh he's reacting to something I saw a minute ago. I'll re-sync it based on what you're reacting too and in short term I'll be 20 seconds ahead and then a minute. So the only two things I can think is either extended version or there's different scenes shown/cut between sorcerers stone and philosophers stone as I'm watching philosophers stone and you the sorcerers stone.