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The Talking Pillow intervention session was actually pretty emotional... It looks, though, as if Walt is diving back in!

I WATCH BREAKING BAD AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/70143836




I'm so excited for you to watch episode 6, it's one of my favorites of the season

Phillip Ribbink

The problem is, if Walt just took Elliott's money, then we would have no series.


No one was inherently wrong in the intervention. It was just Skylar's approach was made with an agenda. She expected Maurie and Hank to side with her and when they didn't she removed the objectivity of the conversation since she had a pre-determined outcome in mind. All the same she just loves Walter and is filled with dread of him dying. She wants him to live for his own sake as well as the ones who care about her. At the end of the day though, I was on Maurie's side; it is ultimately Walter's decision even if Skylar disagrees with it. A fan headcanon can consider Cancer, specifically lung cancer within Walter to be the main antagonist of the series given that it is the catalyst for the events that are taking place. Albeit, an antagonist is considered a character with a personality and cancer is just a genetic anomaly. But I liken this to how The Walkers are the big bads of TWD and The monsters of The Upside Down are the big bads of Stranger Things.


While keeping vague and not spoiling anything I'll just say that I'm sure we will have a lot of conversations about Walter's pride throughout the show lol


Man, rewatching this after losing a grandmother to lung cancer... it hits even harder. Also, as you'll come to learn as the show goes on, pride is Walt's number one sin, so it makes sense that he wouldn't want anyone to help him

Heavenly Demon

Great ep love the talking pillow scene. Plz keep going with breaking bad, it just keeps getting better

Bjørn Brøndum

Curt, I love seeing you laugh at all the jokes I laughed at, There are a lot more to come, I hope you have more time to watch it soon! What are your impressions of Jesse as a character so far?


If I praise Brian Cranson's acting I am one too few. While Jessie is my favorite character there is no contest for best actor in the whole show.