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Damn, this dragon is even more of a problem than I thought! We need to get Tuka some vengeance and closure!

I WATCH GATE AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/series/gate-ce311a68-cf4d-417c-902d-a188af25a6b0



J Johnson

There's also the fact that they wounded the dragon with a rocket previously, so it's aware of how dangerous those weapons are, and won't be providing them an easy target.

Lewd Angel

Curtis writing his first drug review i see, moving up in the world

Lewd Angel

The entire thing with Delilah trying to kill Noriko is a lil convoluted, especially if you don't watch the episodes back to back. To summarize it, Prince Duchebag defeated and enslaved a tribe called the warrior bunnies, the white haired one, Thule, was their queen. She was beaten and subsequently surrendered to him as a slave which made Delilah consider her a traitor and swear to kill her for betraying their tribe. Thule, being now driven by total hatred, is trying to cause the war between Japan and the Empire, thereby getting the prince killed, by forging orders for Delilah and making it seem like they're coming from someone else, which even after the orders were revealed to be fake still points to the prince, and therefore still aligns with her agenda. Its a shame cuz Delilah isn't a bad person, she didn't even want Noriko dead or for her to hurt, but the heat of the moment took over and what happened, happened.

Mighty Snake

I'm glad you keep enjoying these and I'll hopefully keep them coming. I think this episode was interesting in showing how even though the japanese side is kinda the dominant force, they are generally outclassed one on one, at least in a physical sense, the weaponry mostly makes up for it. But most important in this episode is don't let the dumbass die, I think that's how most of us have made it this far.