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Loke's story was very cool and I REALLY like the way it has all turned out!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail



Some guy named Chris

And that is why we call people like her Karen’s…well, not really but otherwise seems like would have give Dane Cook the credit. Got zero sympathy for this Karen, only bad that came from this was Leo’s punishment and even then, turned out for the best.


Next arc is one of my favourites, this is were the main story starts picking up :)


Had she just relented and apologized, I'm sure things would have turned out fine for her. But no, she remained stubborn and went on a dangerous job without her spirits. Though, to be fair, I'm not sure how much of a difference it would have made had she still accepted the job with her spirits, knowing by whom she was killed. Though she might've survived at least.

Some guy named Chris

Yeah, she remained stubborn and blaming everyone but herself to the very end. The very definition of a Karen.


Yeah Karen brought it all upon herself and The Spirit King concurred that perhaps the grey area needed consideration. Spirits are benevolent beings and The King is no exception, you are correct in saying he's a fair and reasonable being. This was also where I took Bob more seriously since his face was intimidating when he scolded Karen for mistreating Aries. He was also correct in saying that they'd turn on her since Leo rebelled against her. The next arc contains one of my favorite antagonists of Fairy Tail and its following the trend of being centric to a character(s) as it builds uponthe growing roster of peeps we will be following the stories of: Episodes 1 & 2: Prologue / Introduction of the two main protagonists Daybreak - Natsu, Happy, & Lucy as partners Eisenwald - Team Natsu(Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, Happy) Their unofficial first time working as a unit Galuna Island - Gray Phantom Lord - Lucy Leo The Lion - Loke Next arc - Erza

Chris Johnson

Ah, Karen was indeed a Karen until the end. Only thing she was missing was to ask for the Spirit World Manager.


Next arc is one of my favorites.


Well The Spirit World Manager agreed with her for 3 years XD


great reaction, i loved the loke and lucy story. from this point on the stories and arcs get a bit intense i cant wait.