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Lucy laid it all out for Daddy Douchebag! Let's see if he's smart enough to back off!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




The Council and their beauracracy are annoying, but this time they did the right thing. They acknowledge that Phantom were in the wrong and were quick to punish them and the judgement on FT would be handled later aka FT was not getting punished at all or at worst had to pay some fines for property damage. I don't think it comes up later besides inpassing, but Jose was stripped of his Wizard Saint position and Phantom Lord was forcibly disbanded. FT has great dads like Makarov and shitstains like Jude Heartfilia. Lucy showed some massive gusto standing up to her "dad" and more or less disavowing her lieniage to The Heartfilias. One of the best Lucy moments for sure!

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

I feel like Weiss and Jacques Schnee fron RWBY might've been partially inspired by Lucy and her dad. Definitely quite a few parallels, even the douchebag mustache and swept back hair 🤣


I've seen and made that comparison before though I do find Jacques to be worse than Jude. Jude was an emotionally abusive father, but he never physically hurt Lucy nor would he ever and I do think Lucy's mother dying hurt him to the point of making him more ruthless and detached(can't get too deep in to that though as it'd be spoilers). Jacques was just an elitist douche nozzle who cared only about himself and his financial status.