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Okay, this idea of cloning the beats has made me extra convinced that the Chancellor here is messed up!

I WATCH STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS AT DISNEY+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/star-wars-the-clone-wars/1wYXzjabXGVZ




you'll find out more about Palpatine later in the series, so I don't think I need to bring up any film spoilers this time, but I'll at least say he's one of peoples favourite characters from the prequels lol, including mine. The prequels has a number of really great stand out characters, such as Ahsoka and Palpatine.


Ahsoka is not part of the prequels. Don't get his hopes up for when he actually decides to watch them ^^ It's really funny that he doesn't know about Palps though xD The prequels are HIS trilogy, without exaggeration.


I'm talking about prequel era not just the films, he also knows Ahsoka isn't in the films


How dare you accuse dear sweat Chancellor Palpatine of being even the slightest bit evil. He is a good and honest man who's every action is for the good of the republic and its people. I'm sure there is a totally non nefarious reason for making a clone of the galaxy's most dangerous animal.


The chancellor is in the end a politician, he had a long political career and is serving for the second time a chancellor. All politicians are toxic. As for the beast, well gee who could have ever predicted this mess happening when you bring space Godzilla into a heavily populated planet.

J Johnson

It's very interesting seeing your perspective as someone who has not seen the movies as they definitely reveal information that will not be obviously shown in the series (yet at least). If anything I'm surprised you weren't spoiled by the numerous star wars memes that seem to be everywhere heh.


Yea, the chancellor definitely has all the disgusting characteristics of the typical politician!


There was a conic were Darth Vader single handedly killed a mountain sized Kaiju.Was pretty cool, Then there is the time Yoda overpowered a living mountain with the just the force. But the funniest was when this Governor was commanding Vader to fight near impossible battles alone. He then had Vader go out and eliminate the biggest threat to him. At first it seemed like a space Kaiju that Vader awakened was the big threat. That is until Vader returned to the ship and then ducked when the beast crashed through the ship, swallowing the Governor whole. Was a good example to not fuck with Vader,


how much do you know because you called him the emperor but you haven't seen the prequel films[ep 1-3]?


As I mentioned, I know most of the big names from the Star Wars series. I've heard "Emperor Palpatine" before, so it's not hard to guess that will someday be his new rank.