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Even though I kinda like Hondo, Anakin shouldn't have let him take off again entirely intact!

I WATCH STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS AT DISNEY+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/star-wars-the-clone-wars/1wYXzjabXGVZ



J Johnson

You mentioned that this is based off the Magnificent 7. Fun fact, that was inspired by an old black and white Japanese movie called Seven Samurai (excellent movie, holds up today). The director of Seven Samurai, Akira Kurosawa, also directed a movie called Hidden Fortress, which was a major inspiration for the original Star Wars movie. It had an old general escorting a princess to safety with 2 goofy sidekicks tagging along (original R2D2 and 3CPO).


That's a cool connection. I knew Magnificent 7 was based off of Seven Samurai, but I've never seen that film.


I like to think of it less being able to get rid of the threat that is hondo more so to think of it being a lesser evil someone worse might fill hondos void and they know hondo is more reasonable than most pirates


for a kids cartoon they're pretty brutal lol, like not just the body count, but we saw a guy have his neck snapped this episode, it's funnier when you remember George Lucas has stated multiple times the clone wars was aimed at kids not adults. Also yeah, Westerns are a heavy influence for not just Star Wars but Sci-Fi in general, the whole frontier feel works perfect for Sci-Fi, both its tropes and character archetypes are everywhere in the genre, just instead of frontier towns being in the desert it's other worlds and space stations.


I definitely feel you on the Jedi code, that's why I would be a gray Jedi. This is their code it's kind of long so I won't type the whole thing just the first part which is still a good size. " The Code- Flowing though all, there is balance. There is no peace without passion to create. There is no passion without the strength to act, power blinds without serenity to see. There is freedom in life, there is purpose in death. The Force is all things and I am the Force. The Meaning Of The Code- While Gray Jedi believed that Force did indeed have inherently Light and Dark sides, they recognized that these aspects could not be separated without negative consequences. If the Dark Side and the Sith were to gain dominance, life would become self-destructive and be extinguished. However, if the Light Side and the Jedi Order's quest for peace were to come to pass, the galaxy would fall the to lethargy, apathy, and eventually fade and die. Both Light and Dark were part of the Force, and all aspects of the Force had to be studied and respected. Balance was central to a Gray Jedi's life, and without it, the galaxy would fall to ruin. Thus, they acted as guardians of this balance, guided by their connection with the Force. Gray Jedi ultimately believed that the end justified the means. The Gray Order generally encouraged mutually beneficial relations between civilizations and systems. However, if a situation arose that required a species, or even planet, to be manipulated or destroyed to re-balance the state of the galaxy, a way would be found to do so." That is the first part of the explanation the Gray Jedi, they way I see it for an example with using this episode. A Gray Jedi, would allow the farmers to be robbed by the pirates. However if it got to the point were the pirates, made it to where the farmers couldn't survive. Then they would step in and stop it, because they believe in a true balance and that the galaxy would be destroyed without it. I really like the Yin and Yang belief, there is both good and evil. And that in every good there resides a little bit of evil, and in every evil resides a little bit of good. That as a person, you chose. Do you let the evil flourish and go unchecked, or do you let the good flourish and ignore the evil. There needs to be a balance, giving you my own example. This is a worst case scenario, someone who lets the evil flourish without check. Creates a world ending virus, then to distribute that virus. Infects an elementary school, in this scenario there is no time to find a cure or even to quarantine the school. There is only 30 seconds to drone strike the school to ensure the safety of the world. Someone who only lets to good flourish and ignores the evil, won't be able to destroy the school and end the life's of innocent children. While someone who focuses on their good while acknowledging their evil, will be able to make that horrible decision. This is of course my opinion, and I do apologize for the very lengthy comment I just thought is was interesting.


This is definitely a brutal kids show! It continues surprising me, some of the deaths and dismemberments we see!


It is definitely interesting… But as you alluded to, in my opinion, there are some flaws in their code that could lead to pain for innocents.


20:22 Best. Kids-show. ever.


When I watched this episode I went from thinking the bounty hunter leader face is weird to damn she’s hot 😩


Oh and Embo is a pretty cool design. That blast proof hat and crossbow is awesome.