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It's amazing how this show is able to balance so many fun, entertaining relationships! I even like blind Dream Boy here!

I WATCH HORIMIYA AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G9VHN9P43/horimiya




Man I relate with Yanagi so much with the glasses thing, my eyesight is just like his where I'm practically blind without em unless it's right in my face, which unfortunately I actually broke my glasses a few days back, but I'm getting my new frame tomorrow so that's great. Also in the manga when Miyamura puts his foot on Hori's head he lists off a few excuses that I wanted you to know cause I just find them hilarious and wanted to share. 1. Hori-san! There's a poisonous bug on you're forehead!! 2. Did you know that if someone puts their foot on you're forehead, you're wish will come true? 3. Huh... that's weird! My foot moved on its own!! 4. I thought maybe I'd level up if I put my foot on you're forehead... 5. I hear the world's going to end tomorrow. And as you saw he went with number 4 lol, that chapter in the manga is one of my favs, but then again I could say that about the whole series, I just adore it, it's one of few manga/anime I'll reread/rewatch which I don't do with many series.

Chandler LaDeau

And here we see in this episode, Hori discovers she has an abuse kink, and poor Miyamura is so sweet that being mean to her makes him wanna die lol

Phillip Ribbink

Yeah, so Hori's a little odd. Though I will say it adds to her character because a lot of Romance Anime, don't really get this far in a relationship. Usually we get handholding, a confession or a kiss. We usually never get to a point where a couple actually has sex, much less explores kinks someone in the relationship has. (Okay we might get a Shirogane situation where we find out he's into black panties, but that's more of a joke really). And for it to be a verbal abuse kink of all things. So many Anime have the two characters so in love with each other, they'd never say a bad word about each other. It just kind of flies in the face of Romance Anime Genre expectations. Also I love the introduction of Yanagi there. "He's hotter than Miyamura! I'm genetically inferior to him!" Great stuff.