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Erza's got Natsu pumped! Let's whoop some serious ass!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




Yep, knew you'd make the Karen joke XD José and Gajeel may be annoying, but they're no pushovers. José is at the same level as Makarov, though now that he's up and moving, mayhaps we have an equalizer. I will concur though, seeing Gajeel beat Lucy around like that was infuriating, even his own guild mates were all "bro wtf is wrong with you?" Still she stood defiant until Natsu got there. I can only imagine how furious he'll be when he sees the state Lucy is in.


I'm excited to see your reaction to Loke going forward, you can obviously see the seeds being planted for his character in this arc and I love where it goes. Unfortunately he gets overlooked very often by the fan base

Lewd Angel

Its interesting that dragon slayers share the same features even though they don't share the same element, its kinda like learning a specific type of magic changes your body chemistry as well.


The first time Juvia fell for Grey, first think to go through my min 🎶Doctor, Doctor🎶Gimme the news🎶 I got a🎶 BAD CASE of LOVIN YOU🎶🤣🤣