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These backstories are so brutal! Tragic, yet fascinating!

I WATCH MY HERO ACADEMIA AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GYNV9DP2R/my-hero-academia-dubs



Andrew Lolavar

I think the reaction is what Shigaraki was talking about with society. The hero's a majority of them were "fakes" who just were in it for the fame and fortune and when stuff got tough and faced critics, ran away. While, the public, due to All Might pushing down crime and always saving them got used to the idea that "hero's are supposed to win, supposed to save us, supposed to not let the villains do any damage" so when the hero's lost then the public where like what the hell you guys didn't do your jobs. There are no true hero's and civilians are too spoiled in this society that they can't accept that the hero's tried. Its either u win or u suck in their head... Arc will go more into detail.

J Johnson

Don't know if you recognized him but that was Stain holding the sword at the end (Villain who hunted down heroes, and inspired a lot of Shigaraki's group to team up in the first place). The reason he hunted heroes is because he saw the vast majority of them as "fake heroes", they were in it for the fame and money, and he only saw All Might as a true hero, whose only motivation was to save and inspire people. The fact that now a large chunk of the heroes are quitting, since they've lost the support of the public, sort of proves him right in his criticism of them.


What All might is for Deku lad is what Endeavor is to Hawks. But geez next episode is going to revive that initial hatred we all had for endeavor. Next one is going to be rough


It's easy to protect people when things are going your way. Now that they're not, lots of heroes are abandoning the people, vacating their agencies, giving up their jobs. And people see that for many heroes, it is just a job, they're not going to stand by them no matter what, so distrust and cynicism are more than understandable. Because when things are bad, the local heroes leave them to fend for themselves. That's what they're witnessing personally, at least.

Chandler LaDeau

I've been noticing a trend of a lot more anime actually getting the sequel seasons they deserve lately. With just how many shows are getting continuations, this $1 level might be playing catch up forever lol


The villains gave The heroes a humiliating defeat, one that has sent Japan into chaos and it will no doubt have a riple effect into other nations. The fundamental flaw with the peace All Might maintained was that without him, it falls apart. It's like how some great leaders like Alexander and Ghengis Kahn build powerful empires, but the empires become divided after they die since they were the ones keeping them together. We're more closer to AFO's old regime being the main power in the world again. Endeavor is not trusted by the public, people see heroes retiring and quitting, which some of them I get it, namely the younger inexperienced ones who just don't know how to handle this madness. But older ones like the No.9 hero stepping down is proving Stain right that a good number of these heroes give up when times get tough, meaning they stood on the values of what a hero is, but when it came to proving that they meant it, they fled. And with someone like him stepping down, it'll have a domino effect on both the public perception and the confidence heroes have in themselves when those who are "better" than them abandon ship. As Andrew said, society became spoiled by All Might bringing crime down and now that he's gone they don't know what to do except be mad at heroes for failing. All of these reactions are borne of fear. People are scared and so they are using anger to give themselves some form of comfort or at least the illusion of it. Edit: Endeavor is a tough one to place; he was a terrible person before and his actions had some dire consequences, some of which are permanant and irreversable. He tore his own family apart, but he's acknowledged that he was wrong to do the things he did. I don't think he's after forgiveness so much as he's just looking to just do better by his wife and kids.