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These freakin' adventures are SO funny! I don't know how I missed on seeing these for all these years! 

I WATCH THE VENTURE BROS AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/watch/4d735b22-2d05-4160-ba41-9a5ef6d9fb2a



Henchman Twenty1

Curtis, to answer your question, I normally don't get the hots for animated women (Hentai notwithstanding). It's also my policy to not get involved with married women, and smokers are generally a no go. That being said I would totally toss that all aside for Sheila, even with that voice. It's not just because she is hot, but she has grace, poise, is really smart and totally kicks 455 in combat. What more could you ask for? But she is way outta my league an I get the feeling that The Monarch is just a tad the jealous - vindictive type. I don't know if you recognized him or not, but the guy with the Captain America shirt is based off of Keith Flint of The Prodigy where he dressed like that for the music video for their song Firestarter. Jefferson Twilight wearing Dean's Spiderman pajama bottoms was hilarious. Fortunately he didn't have to swap them out for Hank's Aquaman Underoos. I was just a little too old for these when they first came out in '77 but I just read on Wikipedia that "Fruit of the Loom has licensed out the Underoos brand name to Bioworld, which is currently making Underoos in adult sizes." Woo-hoo!

Will Fly

Now you need to see the music video for "Firestarter" by The Prodigy. Apparently it played a lot on VH-1 Classic and that one guy took a liking to it.


So in my view the voice is off putting until the girls come out and then it turns to angelic moans 😄


Also can we talk about how Venture Sr. Had an orphanage worth of children living in his basement and never bother to save them 😅

Henchman Twenty1

Even though Jonas likes to be perceived as an heroic figure he's probably worse than half the villains out there.

Anthony Iacobucci

I love how influential he was to the world of the Venture Bros though. I'm really hoping the movie reveals more about his motivations for a lot of what he did and maybe why he turned out the person that he did.