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I like this little Paduan! She's got a fiery personality!

I WATCH STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS AT DISNEY+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/star-wars-the-clone-wars/1wYXzjabXGVZ



J Johnson

The most popular character to be introduced since the original trilogy has made her entrance.

Anime Wulf

Wasn't expecting this, glad this one seemed to be within the fair use!


From what I understand, Ashoka was not well liked when introduced. She at first suffered from newbie character syndrome. You know the kind were they introduce a new character to an already established cast and fans are like 'Ugh, why do we gotta focus on the new guy, why can't we just have the established cast...' But Ashoka through her character growth and involvement in the story won fans over and now she's a fan favorite.

Chandler LaDeau

She was also a little too childish and annoying for most people. But she's also probably my favorite character in the show, so she didn't stay that way for long lol


when Obi-wan used the force to arranged that table for the enemy general, I'm surprised the droids didn't just light him up thinking he was attacking. Also RIP Sir Christopher Lee who voices Count Dooku in this movie only. We'll see more of him later.


As chandler pointed out, it wasn't really that she was a new character, you could say the same for most clones and people liked them enough. it was mostly her personality that sucked, with the arrogance, brashness and tendcy to ignore what she's told, typical in child/teen characters. this was made even worse by the fact she usual got away with it, without suffering any real repercussions for her behaviour, like when she ignores orders and almost gets everyone killed and no one calls her out on it. however, she relatively quickly improved as a character and even became a fan favourite by the end of it. so you can look forward to her become even better.


Amazing how at first I didn’t like Ahsoka but now she is my absolute favorite character in all of Star Wars. I can’t wait to see you experience her journey throughout the franchise.


Fun fact, Christopher Lee (Count Dooku) is related to Robert E. Lee (the confederate General)and both of them are related to Emperor Charlemagne of the holy Roman empire


Didn't know that! My social studies teacher from my 4th grade school year is a distant relative of Robert E. Lee on her father's side. She was quite cute too. Funny thing is that she was about 4'3" I think but her husband was like 6'.


Jesus that’s a size difference, and yes if you look at a picture of both Lee’s they actually look very similar.


Same, first season hated Ahsoka. Now my favorite by far. This show also replaced the movies as what my brain thinks about first when Star Wars comes up.


Fun fact: everyone in Europe is related to Charlemagne, because he lived so long ago and had quite a lot of children.

Joel Miller

2 of my favorites are introduced here. Captain Rex and Ahsoka are S-Tier Star Wars characters in my book