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Slick's traitorous ass certainly created a lot of issues! I think prison is him getting off way too easy!

I WATCH STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS AT DISNEY+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/star-wars-the-clone-wars/1wYXzjabXGVZ



J Johnson

It's interesting that, while clones are genetically identical, and go through standardized training and conditioning, they do end up with different personalities. It's possible some inherit different personality traits from the original (who was a bounty hunter and was motivated by money but also desired family) or it could be that they ended up being shaped by the commanders they served under. Guess it's the old argument of nature vs nurture in what determines what kind of person you end up as.


I love this as a early early episode because it tackles the fact that the clone army entire purpose is to fight or die in the war on behalf of the republic. In the comics the republic had officially demilitarized years prior so the planets were left to fund their own planetary security forces.


He seems like a prick at first, but if you know Star Wars, he's on the money. It's just who he sweared his new allegiance to is more or less the same entity.


Ya know I'm suprised I'm actually enjoying this, I remember growing up my friend Hyped this series so much but when I watched it I never really enjoyed it, maybe cause I was watching random episodes at random intervals and as a kid i didnt care for starwars all that much, and when I saw this win I was a bit dissapointed, but honestly I'm really enjoying this series so far, it's pretty good.


basically the entire army on the Republic's side are clones of Jango Fett, Boba Fett's father (Boba Fett is also technically a clone of Jango as well), the clones have an accelerated life span and they're bred solely to fight in the war, so Slick isn't wrong really, they don't have freedom, it's one of the messed up things the Jedi and Republic are doing, some Jedi like Anakin and Yoda treat the clones with respect, but others treat them as tools. the Separatists use an army of robots, so it's basically just two disposable armies going at each other, but it's made clear both clones and droids have their own personalities. Also I think you're going to really like Ventress, she's a fun antagonist.


Good soldiers follow orders.


The Battle Droids in this are funny btw. You'll have a lot of laughs with em. Also keep an eye on Rex (Bold clone in Blue and white), he's gonna be an important character.

Ultra Power

Man it’s been so long since I’ve seen this show, I forgot how good this episode is!


8:50 "Is it the traitor?" "No, this is a tablet."

Daniel Gonzalez

What Slick was the traitor?! No way guess he wasn't so slick after all


Have you watched the prequels?

Miklar Sihn

On one hand, he is definitely a dick. On the other, he is also part of a slave army. Deserting would be the decent thing to do though.

Miklar Sihn

And we finally get the filthiest character in Starwars. R2D2, all his lines were bleeped.

Daniel Gonzalez

I feel like some were whistles and toots but that's just semantics I also heard that roadrunner was #1 on that list but didn't fact check

Miklar Sihn

Those whistles and toots just prove that what he was saying was quite clearly sexualizing everyone on screen.


It’s always ironic hearing Slick refer to the clones as slaves to the Jedi when addressing Anakin a former slave who was freed by the Jedi