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Okay, Gang, here we go in picking the successor to Bocchi the Rock!

I took the top vote-getters, plus I added in "Charlotte". I don't have a special want for Charlotte - this is the first I've even heard of it - but I missed a double post of it early on for awhile and it was collecting votes under two different nominations. So, I just want to give it a chance, as I don't know how many it may have gotten if I hadn't missed that.

The poll is up for two days... Also remember, the show you vote in will be running opposite Fairy Tail and the catchup shows, including the shows brought here from the YouTube channel. 😊


J Johnson

All great choices, although DBZ is hella long, I can't remember if we had other long series lined up for the other series slots already.

Jesse Gallimore

That's a lot of big titles. Can't tell who wins at this point.


Lord get clone wars to the top 🫣


Just thinking aloud, but it's be great if Patreon had "blind" polls, to prevent tactical voting.


I was like "Haven't you already seem Akame ga kill?" but it was just one off sponsor 4 years ago...


...this just made me realise, how fucking long have I been subscribed to Goosh? 5-ish years now?? Jeez time flies...

Ruuji Hasegawa

Just the fact that Spice and Wolf even made it to the list warms my heart, whoever voted for that, ya'll are good people yo


Think this is the first time when I haven’t been a fan of anything on the list


Fire Force PLEASE


Akame Ga Kill was one of the first anime I've watched, and it's still one of my favorites. I'm hoping it wins.


thanks for adding in Charlotte it was my post. I dont think it will get a big number of votes though its just a 13 episode anime but its got great characters and a fantastic story so i thought you might like it.

Chandler LaDeau

At least Clone Wars is a close second, he usually watches the top two or three before he does another nomination....come ooooon, Spice and Wolf, get enough votes to come in third at least

Daniel Gonzalez

is 2008 clone wars the newer one or the older one by don't wanna ruin his name the guy that did Dexters Lab and Samurai Jack


watch akame ga kill, its a experience that you will forget. Trust ME!


*will never forget. LOL

Lewd Angel

I'm definitely going for Eminence in Shadow, i think you'll love the concept of making fun of the overpowered mc trope after the seriousness of Overlord. Buuuut its also running against Clone Wars, which i like, so thats a tough call


I'm surprised spice and wolf is doing so bad. Not to mention poor darker than black😓


Z will always have a special place in my heart, but it's easy to forget how much of it is just ENDLESS time wasting. Waiting a whole day to see 20 minutes of charging up and yelling and wind rustling over and over again would get old real fast.


I get what you mean but it's a lot shorter than some big name anime (at 291 with 38 as filler) and he's already watched all of OG Dragon Ball and DBS. He started Z so he should finish it at some point especially for those who would like him to. Despite some of the time wasting that happens (tbf most big anime do it so I'm not personally concerned about it), it's still a classic one he should watch. Some say he doesn't need to because he's seen a handful of clips of the biggest moments spanning over the last few years without context... that's like saying I watched a few clips of the biggest moments from Naruto so I've seen Naruto lol

Chandler LaDeau

Yo, nothing against Akame GA Kill fans, but the fact that it's beating Spice and Wolf just baffles me. Spice and Wolf is hailed as one of the great mid 2000s classics like Brotherhood and Ouran and Gurren Lagann, whereas Akame GA Kill is is that one anime that fans love while basically every anime YouTuber critic unanimously agrees is almost Tokyo Ghoul season 2 levels of failing to live up to the manga. I actually can't understand how Spice and Wolf is this low on the poll.

Chandler LaDeau

In its defense, though, I've never actually seeeen Akame GA Kill, so I don't know how true that statement is. I just know that I've never seen anyone who reviews things critically for a living having anything nice to say about that show whereas all my friends who have seen it think it's absolutely amazing.


It does change a lot from the manga, but I wouldn't say it's a whole lot worse. It's just that a lot of things turn out differently, parts of the story go in a different direction. The anime did do my favorite character dirty though. You should watch a few episodes of it or read through it a bit and see what you think from there.

Joel Miller

I recommend watching in order The Clone Wars if it does end up winning


I'm kind of surprised at what's winning. There are a lot of really well-loved shows on this list.

Sly Spectre

I personally voted for Inuyasha as I did in the last poll. Im kind of an optimist so, it may never get picked but im at least glad that Inuyasha is almost always a choice in the polls. At least its on the radar is what I say. It really is a good series. I used to stay up and watch it back when I had Adult Swim.


curious of the age demographics voting in these polls


Honestly I only voted for Akame because Esdeath best adorable cuddly girl waifu. That and it is the only one I have seen that is not hundreds of episodes long.... But it looks like we are getting Clone Wars. I'm ok with that. We doing release order or chronological?


Clone Wars and Shadow neck and neck lol, Let's Go Clone Wars!!!


Trigun Stampede deserves to be on this and the next lists as a candidate.


eh never liked star wars. its overrated


So is it a tie or did star wars win?