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I think it's sound advice to wrote what you know and what you feel... It will find an audience if it's genuine!

I WATCH BOCCHI THE ROCK AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GXJHM3P19/bocchi-the-rock



Some guy named Chris

Yeah, Bocchi really leans into the creepy/crazy sometimes. Plastering every wall and the ceiling of her room with the same picture? If I walked in and saw that I’d be like, “um, well…at least she didn’t cut the eyes out of the pictures?”

♡ SinonMercer ♡

the "are ya winning, diners?" as she enters the cafe gets me every time


Fun fact: Her "banshee scream" in the social media scene was unedited. Yoppi-San (Bocchis voice actress) is just built different....also she and bocchi are one and the same, personality wise. I just love the music in this show...and my favorite song hasn't even shown up yet (the one I went through the trouble to rip a youtube video and turn it into an mp3 so I could use it as my ringtone...). And yep, Ryo is right on the money here.


Not sure if you noticed but Bocchis family dog is named Jimihen, an obvious reference to Jimmy hendrix


WOW! I am really ashamed of myself for not picking up on that! What a DUH moment!... Thanks for pointing that out, though. That's a great name!