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This was genuinely amazing! An awesome story, with a protagonist who is definitely on my favorite characters list!

I WATCH GOBLIN SLAYER AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6VDMN306/goblin-slayer



J Johnson

I liked that priestess got to play a key role in beating the goblin king, it showed how much she had grown in both ability and mentally since the series started. In the manga they actually show his face, and he's just a normal, somewhat good looking guy, not sure why they decided to not show it here. Anyway, season 2 is out this year, there is also a movie that was released, it's basically feels like an extended episode (not a bad thing, it's just not mindblowing either). It might be worth checking out before going into season 2 though since it introduces a new character.

Robert Traeger

Don't forget the movie "Goblins Crown" its basically just 3-4 episodes wearing a movie suite.

Miklar Sihn

Hey, there was a time i thought Goblin Slayer was a goblin... Until they did the whole reveal of his childhood. Even then i was questioning whether he could have been one of the goblins involved. Which would have made the whole "good goblin" speech really cool and kinda dark. Sadly i have to accept he is a human.


As someone who knows that feeling of camaraderie to well that last scene was really cool. From being a weirdo who people could never get to being someone who, because of his actions unknown to him, is helped by those who once thought him weird and strange for only killing goblins


Rewatching GS was awesome. That second season is due this year, right? That's gonna be interesting. Also, tomorrow, Bocchi! Another awesome show...but with a lot lower stakes. Might be even more intense tho...that one is gonna be fun too.

Phillip Ribbink

Goblin Slayer will return (in the voice of Sam Elliott) I don't know about you, but that brings me comfort. Knowing he's out there, killing Goblins for the rest of us. This is honestly up there as one of my favourite series. So glad you finally got around to watching it, after I'd been pulling for it for what's years now in the nominations. Can't wait for Season Two to come out, hopefully they keep to the promise of it coming out sometime this year.

Daniel Gonzalez

Not even that I could swear its only like an hour tops and about 15 or so is recap so at most like a 40+ min OVA that's basically an HBO series episode but its also ok to wait I think technically its a story from LN vol 5 I want to say

Daniel Gonzalez

Because the show is an adaptation based off the original source material of the LNs its funny I always see people on GS videos who don't understand that like yes we know you read the manga but this show isn't based off of that nor is the manga the main canon the LNs are

Robert Traeger

the movie is 88 minutes long. and yes but in the animated continuity it takes place immediate after the finale of season 1.

Daniel Gonzalez

I love Goblin Slayer couple things ill mention so it was briefly mentioned but Goblin Slayer took out the Kings nest wiped them all out while they were being distracted by the battle but because he probably used methods that prevented recovery (or he just didn't care he's definitely not in it for the money) he only gets the credit for the one goblin even though it was the leader and he basically planned out their whole strategy well at least for him I'm sure his reward was being able to protect Cow Girl and kill all those goblins also I think I've mentioned it before but the author of the LNs is friends with Danmachis author and they've even gotten several crossovers in Japan

heroic nyco

if you are interested in another premise from a goblins perspective i recommend the manga re:monster or virus tensei kara isekai kansen monogatori (this one is interesting in it's own ways)


I hope so! I liked this show a lot, and GS is legendary status to me, as far as anime characters!

Brandon Nowakowski

I don't know if anyone mentioned, but there is also a Goblin Slayer movie that takes place right after this. If you decided to react to it, you could probably split it into 2 or 3 parts.


I think we've all grown to love the same 4 things about that witch,,, Her personality and the way she speaks!


'Souka' (I see)


Season 2 comes out sometime later this year