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Mabel's trust of Grunkle Stan has resulted in the emergence of Stan's brother!... What does this mean?!

I WATCH GRAVITY FALLS AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/series/gravity-falls-5d931e25-bd29-46f2-9baf-b5a0b4c001f8




This is actually getting interesting. I can't believe I never watched this growing up.

Ultra Power

Alright so My brain has so many questions- How is Bill related to the portal? He’s been hinted at being tied with it and yet we haven’t gotten anything on that side. Does “Stan” know who McGucket is and was he aware he worked with his brother Do the Northwest’s know about this all, seeing as they’re some kind of Bill Cultists? Does Soos have 2 Dads now?- Gravity Falls is amazing in that everytime old questions are answered, it only makes new questions! I’m so glad I’m getting to watch with you!


I'm with ya! Even though it wouldn't have been while I was growing up, I've always been a cartoon nerd, and I'm shocked I never knew how awesome this show is!


You know I watched this show while it was airing when I was a kid yet I never actually finished the last 5 episodes so as were approaching that I'm so jazzed up for it. It's such a great show and I'm hyped to actually finish it with you.

Some guy named Chris

At least you don’t have to wait 4 months for the next episode like so many others lol


so this moment has been hinted at a ton throughout the series, back during the wax figures episode Stan was shocked seeing the figure because he thought it was his brother, when Mabel and Dipper went time travelling we actually see the author stick his head out the door of the mystery shack before it became the mystery shack, in the bodyswap episode when they find that secret room in the shack Stan sneakily takes a pair of glasses in the room and wipes them with a sad look on his face, during the sock puppet episode Bill Cipher tells Mabel "I mean, who would sacrifice everything they've worked for just for their dumb sibling?", hinting at what stan does here. They built this moment up really well, not to mention all the cryptograms hidden in the show, It's amazing how much they built this up.


And so, $#!+ has gotten real...


alright, so i can finally talk about it. the stan's a twin theory has actually been around for a long time before this episode aired. for those who watched carefully and went through everything with a fine comb, the creator sprinkled in a lot of clues through the show. some of these hints, include, but are not necessarily limited to: -in the episode "dreamscapers", people noticed that during the scene showing stan's boxing lesson, you see a character with identical clothes sitting in the bleachers, although their face is hidden behind a book. this made people speculate he may be stan's twin. it is also interesting to note that when giddeon makes a deal with bill earlier that episode, bill seems a little surprise when he's told to steal the safe combination from stan: "Ohhh, THAT stan". what? was he expecting someone else? -while it was never mentioned in the show, additional material revealed that stan's full name is stanford. however, people notices that the nameplate for his car reads "stnlymbl" or stanley mobile. if stan is stanford, then who is stanley? -in carpet diem, we see a pair of glasses sitting on one of the tables. stan picks it up at some point, but it doesn't seem to match his glasses. so who do they belong to? -we actually get to see young stan a couple of times, most noticeable in "the time traveller's pig", where he's briefly seen sticking his head out of the shack, and in "the love god". people noticed that they look surprisingly different, despite seemingly being relatively close in age. the stan in "the time traveller's pig", who lives in the shack, is leaner and looks a lot more normal. he also wears different glasses than gruncle stan (the same found in the locked room in "carpet diem"). eagle eyed viewers even picked up on the fact that his nose is very slightly angled different and he has a cleft skin, whereas gruncle stan doesn't. meanwhile the stan we see during "the love god" is way "cooler" with slicked back hair and a more muscly physique compared to the other version seen. the two versions seem too close in age for such a sudden shift in looks and physique to make sense, so it made the most sense that they were two similar looking but ultimately separate characters. -there is also the out of universe myth that twins often skip a generation. seeing as mable and dipper are twins, there is a high chance that there also was a set of twins in their grandparents generation. seeing as alex, the creator of gravity falls, is a twin himself, he probably knew about it and might have included it in the show. the whole things shows how well thought out the show actually is and how much effort the creators put into everything.


So glad this happened on a Monday and not Saturday 😅 would have been a major cliffhanger