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Well that was an interesting way to get resurrected! And the Eye Guy got an explosive beatdown!

I WATCH GOBLIN SLAYER AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6VDMN306/goblin-slayer



Robert Traeger

I know it will be said a 100 times. But the sub doesn't always make it entirely clear. The resurrection spell simply requires the physical presence of a virgin, not that ones virginity must be taken in exchange for life. keep up the gobbo slaying curtis loving this series. Even if you don't record it you should check out the abridged too. I cannot rate it high enough.

Mighty Snake

Ok good news, if you end up going out before you finish your anime list, we'll send at least 2 hot chicks to resurrect you so it's a win-win. And as hot as sword maiden is I would say she's only number 2 for me, my main waifu in this series only shows up near the end of S1.

J Johnson

dust explosions are a major hazard in mining, and is historically one of the reasons for mining collapses, especially if you are mining coal and there ends up being a bunch of coal dust collecting in the air and miners are using open flames to see. The reason he needed fine flour was because it needed to be small and dust like to be able to float in the air to create the effect.


I am trying really hard to remember who shows up at the end...guess I'll have to wait, been too long. Guild Girl and High Elf Archer are still top of the list imho.

Miklar Sihn

The final question that Goblin Slayers Yoda gave him is directly taken from the Hobbit. It is how Bilbo wins a game versus Gollum.

Miklar Sihn

The Eye Monster is called a beholder. Which is probably why they said "Behold" when showing it to him. It is a classic dnd monster, which tends to have a number of troublesome magical eye lasers. One of these tends to stop magic, one tends to turn you into dust, one sets you on fire... Add electrocution, acid, a ray of raw death energy and you have some of the different eye rays you can get. They are a ton of fun and depending on the edition, some of them live in hives. They also tend to be super intelligent and when they sleep they can dream things into reality... Which is how they reproduce.

Phillip Ribbink

It's also not uncommon for explosions to occur in Grain Elevators as well, for much the same reason.

Phillip Ribbink

That Monster they fought is a classic monster from Dungeons and Dragons it's called a Beholder, an iconic opponent. And a real pain in the ass, those eyes don't just disintegrate. They can also petrify, dispel magic and a whole bunch of other nasty little effects.


Ayo fuck the Fire/Water/Poison rule! They used 2/3 methods first, DEATH TO GOBS!

Miklar Sihn

When they are done reproducing it is often followed by a fight to the death, if that helps you decide.

Miklar Sihn

The problem isnt finding the virgins. The problem is finding female virgins. Us gooshers can provide the other kind... Now i want you to picture waking up like that.


I just realised! Goblin Slayer has to be Finnish, since his replies are like 1 or 2 words most of the time!! 🤣

Mighty Snake

Are you kidding? If Curtis wakes up to that it'll turn into the live action version of goosh goosh, not that there's anything wrong with that of course.

Mighty Snake

When I reproduce it will also be a fight to the death. And I'll be taking bets.

Daniel Gonzalez

So I don't know if anyone else said it but the only reason for the rules is all those methods cause environmental damage which I'm sure GS would say is worth it to eradicate the goblins the girls however think differently