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Once again enjoying time spent at the Nekoya has me desperate to find my own door!

I WATCH RESTAURANT TO ANOTHER WORLD AT CRUNCHY: https://beta.crunchyroll.com/series/GR49493P6/restaurant-to-another-world



Some guy named Chris

Yeah, the don’t mention it in the show (goes more in depth in the books/manga) but that Lamia woman is actually a high priestess of the red queen. A lot of the people of that world worship the 6 dragons as gods. Each dragon having their own followers. Oh and Emilio goes on to father a fair few Lamia girls. All of that species is female and they have to go with other human like species for procreation.

Some guy named Chris

Another bit from the books, the baker who was dropping off desserts is the o e who runs the bakery upstairs. The one who makes Alettas cookies. He’s a childhood friend of masters and one of very few people who know about the other world. Actually he was in an accident as a child, leaving him paralyzed. The previous owner, masters grandfather, bought a healing tonic/potion from one of the people from the other side. So that’s how his parents and he found out.

Some guy named Chris

Yeah. The master actually keeps a healing potion on hand as it’s not unheard of that someone will stumble through the door pretty badly injured. There are a lot of adventurers who find the door. And their job isn’t the safest lol