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Soos is such a great character! It was really fun, learning his story and seeing him get over his birthday issues!

I WATCH GRAVITY FALLS AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/series/gravity-falls-5d931e25-bd29-46f2-9baf-b5a0b4c001f8



Some guy named Chris

Dippers realization of how uncomfortable he can make Wendy always gets me.

Chandler LaDeau

See the part that kiiinda makes me a little upset on Dipper's behalf about that whole Wendy scene is she's only 15. She's only like 2-3 years older than he is.If this were upscaled just a few years and he was 18 and she was 21, literally no one would think the age gap is anything at all. Poor Dipper, just unfortunate for him that he's just a little too young.

Ultra Power

The ending with Soos saying his dad can take a hike because now he has his own family That hit me surprisingly deep