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The Fortune 500 adventure was awesome, but that simple slap at the end was a show stealer!

I WATCH RICK and MORTY AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/watch/ea0def9a-afa3-4371-b126-964e1c6bea89




All this episode showed me was that in his own strange way Rick cares for Jerry if he's willing to go that far to help Jerry out to not have sex with his mom. Literally fought fate to help him out. Don't know i found that awesome. Yes Jerry is still a wimp but at least he's rick's wimp. That last scene is hilarious but it showed that Rick truly consideres Jerry a friend. Even if it took his immortality away 😆


I don't know if I'm as convinced as you are that Rick considers Jerry a friend, but I definitely like when the two of them occasionally get on the same team together.


Yeah I sorta agree I think Rick is more learning to tolerate Jerry which could translate to Rick caring about Jerry a little, but more in the way he just appreciates him if he's around. More evidence of this is 2 episodes ago Rick says him and Jerry went drinking when he was explaining Jerry's pill-bug protocol. I also kinda consider Rick and Jerry to be opposites in a sense they both seem to do everything on auto-pilot but Rick is very hyper-aware of how he automates his bodily functions, where Jerry has limited to no awareness of how he automates his body. 2 sides of the same coin.

Freddy Jimenez

So the fact that sleepy Garry got rid of his gag reflects Means that he was hung like a horse and Jerry with able to take it without gagging


More likely Sleepy Gary gave Jerry memories of taking a huge one without gagging. For all we know the alien that took the form of Sleepy Gary could have given himself a small penis and that's assuming he had the foresight to create one for his appearance in the first place. lol