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If Zoro gets the whole team of swords working in perfect harmony, this could get really interesting!

I WATCH ONE PIECE AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRMG8ZQZR/one-piece



J Johnson

Glad you're enjoying the episodes, I'm cursed with future knowledge as a manga reader and am just counting down the weeks until we get to the climax. Although it's likely to be around the end of the year. You'll know when it happens when the internet goes into a meltdown heh.

Brother E

It’s funny how this episode has flashbacks from the East Blue Saga. Just before I was actually rewatching one of the older reactions during Arlong Park and it’s crazy thinking about how long ago that was when we started the journey when Luffy was just gathering his crew. 1000+ episodes and the intensity of the stories are just as hard hitting with more stakes on the line. And more importantly, the emotional attachments and investment we have to the Straw Hats as they continue towards the One Piece. You got to give credit to the consistency of this show.


I wouldn't say I'm rooting for Apoo, I'm rooting against CP0 although, I do want Drake to survive and be able to rejoin Koby. I may have posted this before, but I liken Zoro's sword to having these kind of personalities by the way this is purely my headcanon, so I am sure some may disagree with me on this: Wado Ichimonji(His deceased friends old sword) - Similar to Zoro; stoic and full of honor. I'd say this is his weakest, but it's link to his deceased friend and the bond they share over both losing her makes it his most important blade. I may consider it the weakest, but that's just me saying its the lesser of three greats. Sandai Kitetsu(The cursed blade) - bloodthirsty and ruthless, but immensely loyal to those who it feels are worthy to use it. Second to Enma, but it's still a beastly sword in its own right. Enma: A hardened beast that demands whomever chooses to wield it can only be worthy if they tame it by harnessing its power. All the same I'd say its still a noble entity, especially if Oden was it's former master. It is by far the most powerful of any blade Zoro has used. But yeah effectively Enma and Wado are brother blades.