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I certainly understand where the Old Man's anger comes from, but it still makes things dangerous for all!

I WATCH MAGI AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GY09XN14Y/magi



J Johnson

Mogamett is dedicated to bettering the lives of HIS people (Mages and people with magical talent). He genuinely wants to help them and care for them. However, he sees all other people as either inferior or as enemies who are trying to drag them down. It's the ultimate us vs them mindset. It's also not uncommon in history, for people who were oppressed, to oppress others, often mimicking the methods of those who did it to them. The district 5 situation also has parallels to situations we may have in the near future. AI and automation will likely replace a ton of jobs in the future, making a large portion of the population unemployable, and reliant on government handouts or universal basic income (if that ever gets implemented). Enough to subsist on, but probably not enough to live a comfortable life. No idea if the author had all this in mind when she was writing this, but it is interesting.

Max Starr

Magi does ramp up the complexity in these later episodes. It goes to show you that there's no true good guy in this situation; the magicians were mistreated by the non-magicians, and now, they're doing the same to them now that they have power. Fairly realistic though.