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Not only was that a badass fight, but everything Alibaba took from it will serve him very well going forward!

I WATCH MAGI AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GY09XN14Y/magi



Lewd Angel

I'm not sure if you totally forgot the context between this episode and the previous one that made you miss why the old Yambala dude was acting the way he was, but he wasn't a douchebag at all. For one, he can't let Alibaba use his Djinn equip inside the colosseum, a dungeon capturer would've cleaned the entire roster within a few minutes, even one who can't do full body equip. Futhermore, for Alibaba it was crucial he fight a difficult opponent without it because, as we mentioned last time, the two types of magoi he had inside him were going to tear him apart, so he was heading towards death to begin with. He also asked Alibaba beforehand if he was truly prepared to fight, Alibaba had it explained to him that people fight to the death inside the colosseum, and its usually against enslaved people and beasts, as cold as the old dude might've seemed he isn't responsible for Alibabas choices, not to mention that if it wasn't for him Alibaba was going to die anyway if he hadn't put him in a position where he could overcome his magoi problem. Also you misunderstood Alibaba at the end there, when he said "he would've done the same" he wasn't talking about the monkey lol, he meant Cassim. I don't think the monkey gets a proceed of the money to be able to take someone else in, or the intelligence to do so xD


While I do have significant memory issues, you are aware that I enjoy making jokes sometimes while I’m watching, right? As in an exaggerated complaint that Alibaba can’t use all his toys.


“What is this place?”- Ali My dude this is Rome if Remus beat Romulus and you’re in the colosseum…congrats you’re treated as a Christian🙏🏼