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Okay, Gang, we had a close one this time! Goblin Slayer finally rose to the top after being a contender in a bunch of polls, so that show will follow Magi!

I am going to make one other move based on the poll. It was pretty much always a 3-way race between Goblin Slayer, South Park and Bocci The Rock. Given that, we will follow Goblin Slayer with Bocci The Rock, then have another poll as that one is concluding.

I know South Park came in second, but I can't bring myself to schedule any of the long shows that don't win, as I'm pretty sure the only thing that kept them from winning is their length. Nothing against South Park; I've LOVED that show since its debut.

But this way, we'll get to see two shows that people are hyped for, and it will take just a month. That means we'll be having more nominations and a poll again very soon, so you guys can take another look at South Park or any of the other contenders. 😊


J Johnson

Interesting that we're watching Goblin Slayer now as season 2 is announced to air later this year (no exact date yet).

Brother E

Any chance you can put South Park behind Fairy Tail? At least then it's got a spot but it's not any time soon.


No, we're not going to add every long series that does well in a poll to that level. Shortly, we'd be scheduling into 2026... Fairy Tail was only added there because it ended in a virtual dead heat in a poll AND had been a regular contender in the prior polls.


That will work out okay... We'll have seen this first season, and then when the second is out and available, we can put it at the catchup $1 level.

J Johnson

yea, didn't mean it negatively, just that it's been almost 5 years since the first season came out and I thought it was interesting we get both your reaction and season 2 in close proximity. The season 2 announcement might have gotten more people to vote for it in this poll.

Brother E

Lmao I didn't even think about it being pushed back to 2026. I only mentioned it since we can have one tier with short series. If South Park or any longer were to win the next nominations then a handful of people would have to wait out a while until their shorter shows can be suggested. But I do see the reasoning of not just adding every long series after the other.

The Gimpster 101

Hopefully next poll we can get the second season of Higurashi, season 1 being the Question filled one and season 2 being the answer. I still haven’t seen the newer season that was made recently but I heard it’s good.

Some guy named Chris

Oh cool, was actually hoping for just that. As much as I love South Park (and I do, been watching it since 1997) really wanted to see your reaction to Bocchi.


Finally after so many polls, goblin slayer finally wins. Oh my goodness lads, that fist episode 😬 It caught me off guard

Anime Wulf

He already saw the first episode on Halloween for the Goosher 100 tier one year, but as he will say and as I will bet, he already forgot lmao If I'd been sponsoring an episode on Halloween every year, I think we'd be on episode 4 or 5 this year rofl


Precisely why i know it'll be interesting his reaction to that first episode. Man I'm glad i was never a hardcore wrestler like he was. I might be older than Curtis but, thank God, i still have my memory intact 😁 Guess not being hit I'm the head with constant chairshots does Wonders to you


you make me as happy as albedo makes you. both series are awesome.

Phillip Ribbink

So glad to finally be watching you react to Goblin Slayer. To celebrate I went back and watched your Episode 1 reaction which was sponsored almost four years ago now. We've certainly come a long way since them.

Anime Wulf

You'd be surprised how far that can get you! Although sometimes people just need to get a good smack in the head with chair. :D


I mean. Always Sunny and Archer have been put on halt so it shows how behind everything is. Especially considering many people looked forward to those reactions. In my opinion, I think Curtis watches too many things at once to where it takes forever for one show to even get finished. I understand wanting different content for different days and tier levels but it seems so many things get pushed out of the loop and it confuses people. And some people are here for this and some are here for that. At least if he stuck to watching say, two shows at once to finish, everyone would know exactly what to expect and things would get finished slightly quicker.


You are aware that everything got pushed out of place by the blocks at YouTube, right? I see you complaining a lot about what I watch, but I’ve got it under control with the situation at hand.